Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017- Blackfoot Plant Hunt

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts

What did we do today?
  • We had the opportunity to read while we waited for everyone to get in and be ready.
  • Today we went out into the Whispering Woods as ethnobotanists!  With a folder with plant pictures and information, we were tasked with matching the plant with symptoms we were given on a separate card.  We then had to do a sketch in our journals and write three things it would help cure or do.  We also had to map where we found each plant on our Whispering Woods map.
  • We learned that most of the plants, such as buckbrush and the wild rose, helped with a sore throat and can be made into teas. We can use buckbrush berries to create soap to wash clothes and you can use the powder off of a trembling aspen as a natural sunscreen. The pulp inside a trembling aspen can be used to cure snow blindness.  
1. What other plants could be used to cure a sore throat?
2. Which plant can you use to make a canoe waterproof?
3. How many different indigenous groups live in Alberta?
4. Will we do this again next Friday?  Will it be done differently?
5. What is the most common plant or tree in the Whispering Woods?
6. Will we be making any of the remedies from these plants?

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