Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21 - Spaghetti and Meatballs 2.0

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Conferences are tonight and Friday morning.
  • Spring break is from March 22-31.  There is no school during these days.
What we did today:

  • Today in daily five everyone had to finish their guided reading task before doing their character interview.
  • We got ready for the conferences, by rating ourselves on our interests in science, math, etc. and our social abilities.
  • Today in gym we played spaghetti and meatballs and Ms. Jones added what we did in dodgeball yesterday into the game.
  • Today during buddies we helped them finish a worksheet and taught them how to play a new game!
  • Today in math, Ms. Li taught us about measuring using our fingers.
  • We continued reading the 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 20, 2019- Colouring the Flags!

Parent-Teacher Interviews (formerly known as Face-to-Face Conferences) are an opportunity for you to discuss your child's learning progress.  Starting at 6 am on Saturday, March 16 until 9 am on Friday, March 22, 2019, please use your My CBE / PowerSchool account to book your 15-minute Parent-Teacher Interview with your child’s teacher for March 21 or 22, 2019.  If you require assistance, please contact Mrs. Rennie at 403.777.6190 or by email at 

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Sign up for parent teacher student conferences These conferences are this week on Thursday night and Friday morning.
  • Spring break is from March 22-31.  There is no school during these days.
What we did today:

  • Today in Language Arts we started learning how to write stories. We got one sheet to write our ideas down. We got another sheet for our characters. We then got another few sheets to write about any character.
  • Today we continued reading the Wild Robot Escapes.
  • Today in Social Studies some of our classmates finished sharing their dinosaur sides with us. We started learning about the people of Alberta (the Metis, the French, the Europeans). We did a colouring page with a bison, and some flags.
  • Today in gym we did scooter dodgeball.
  • Today in daily five we all had to finish our teacher time tasks, otherwise we would have homework over spring break.
  • Today in math we had assignments where we created fractions. We also played with Frenchy's Fraction Cafe.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019- Dino-facts!

Parent-Teacher Interviews (formerly known as Face-to-Face Conferences) are an opportunity for you to discuss your child's learning progress.  Starting at 6 am on Saturday, March 16 until 9 am on Friday, March 22, 2019, please use your My CBE / PowerSchool account to book your 15-minute Parent-Teacher Interview with your child’s teacher for March 21 or 22, 2019.  If you require assistance, please contact Mrs. Rennie at 403.777.6190 or by email at 

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Sign up for parent teacher student conferences These conferences are this week on Thursday night and Friday morning.
  • Spring break is from March 22-31.  There is no school during these days.
What we did today:

  • In social, shared our dinosaur slides.  We learned about the Albertosaurus, Velociraptor, the wooly mammoth, the triceratops and the Spineosaurus.  One fact we learned is that the triceratop's skull could grow as large as 2 meters.
  • In The Wild Robot Escapes, Roz and Brightbill were continuing their journey through towns and cities.  Roz and Brightbill got separated by a train and now Roz is marching northward through the city alone.
  • During library, everyone got a new partner clock for Read to Someone and we were also given a Listen to Reading sheet to complete.
  • This afternoon in Daily 5, groups had to finish guided reading projects, read to self or do Raz-Kids.
  • In gym we had relay races and scooter games.  We did movement relay races and sleigh races where we used two scooters and were pulled by another person to the opposite side.

Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18, 2019- Quiz time!

Parent-Teacher Interviews (formerly known as Face-to-Face Conferences) are an opportunity for you to discuss your child's learning progress.  Starting at 6 am on Saturday, March 16 until 9 am on Friday, March 22, 2019, please use your My CBE / PowerSchool account to book your 15-minute Parent-Teacher Interview with your child’s teacher for March 21 or 22, 2019.  If you require assistance, please contact Mrs. Rennie at 403.777.6190 or by email at 

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Homework: math p. 176 #2-6 due tomorrow
  • Sign up for parent teacher student conferences These conferences are this week on Thursday night and Friday morning.
  • Spring break is from March 22-31.  There is no school during these days.
What we did today:

  • In social, we had what is called an open book quiz.  We did a quiz, but could look in our books for the answers.  There were 14 questions. If we were done early, we could read.
  • During computer lab, some of us forgot to do our homework and we had to finish our slides and opinion writing.  Otherwise it was Mathletics Monday!
  • In gym we played a game called Hungry Hippos.  It was the human version of the board game!  On scooters, we were directed by a teammate to the balls in the middle, which we collected using a scoop.
  • In math, we did a review of fractions and went over the terminology of the numerator and denominator.  We then had to answer some questions in the textbook before using pattern blocks to create fractions on a page.
  • In music, Mr. O'Reilly had to talk to us because he has lost many of the picks he had for the ukeleles.  After that, we had time to work on our songs.

Friday, March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019- Measuring Outside

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Homework: Dinosaur slides and opinion writing piece due Monday
  • Sign up for parent teacher student conferences opens tomorrow.  Theses conferences are next week on Thursday night and Friday morning.
What we did today:
  • In our Wild Robot story, Roz was running down the foothills to escape from Shadow the wolf, who was hunting her on his own.  To escape, she had to undo her tool belt after the wolf caught her.  She took a rowboat and started to row into the bay.  The ocean became too rough and it destroyed the boat!  Roz was saved by a whale named Coral, who had heard the story of her and Brightbill from other birds.
  • For Fresh Air Friday, we had to measure different items and find things in nature that are about a meter long.  We used a piece of yarn to measure.  Things that we found were: the circumference of a rock, a log in the Whispering Woods beside the tipi, the sundial, 20 diamonds in the fence and a branch on a tree.
  • We had one last class to work on our dinosaur slides and opinion writing.  Most of us had to redo it because our first draft was not in paragraphs and was not very long.
  • We also had our spelling test

Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 14, 2019- Ketchup and Pickle Time! Also look for our Clay for Kids Art!

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Spelling quiz tomorrow
  • Fresh Air Friday- be dressed to go outside
What we did today:
  • We had a "ketchup and pickles" time to finish work.  We had to finish our dinosaur slides, social opinion writing, art, guided reading tasks and word work before getting to pick a "pickle" activity.
  • During computer lab, we did ninja math.  If we have collected our ninja pencil, we moved onto Kakooma activities that we have to do under 10 seconds.
  • In gym, we played scooter dodgeball.  It is basically dodgeball on scooters.  If we got hit we had to sit on the bench until Ms. Jones yelled "Jailbreak!", which was often.
  • We did our multiplication and division quiz in math.
  • In The Wild Robot escapes, they were hiding from the hail in a cabin.  There they met a skunk named Sprinkles.  They stayed there until Brightbill got better.  Once he was better, they continued through the mountains.  They had to avoid hunters and met another animal named Thud, who was a mountain goat.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 13, 2019- Spaghetti and Meatballs!

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Fun Lunch tomorrow, one more volunteer for our class would be great!
  • Math quiz on multiplying and dividing tomorrow- practice your facts tonight
  • Spelling quiz this Friday

What we did today:
  • In language arts, we had to make better story starters using a sound effect and a description of the setting.  We got to share the sound effect one, but will share the description one next day as it was time to read The Wild Robot.  In that story, the wolves were watching Roz and Brightbill in the tree.  Roz had the idea to make a fire, which scared the Shadow and Barb away.
  • This morning in math, we played math games to practice our multiplication and division skills for our quiz tomorrow.
  • In social studies, we got to work on our slides to finish our project.  We also had time to finish our opinion and art.  If we finished those, we started a title page for our next unit.
  • Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs. Smith are really impressed with how we are learning our notes and chords for our cover song project.
  • In gym, we played this scooter game called spaghetti and meatballs.  There were two people who would roll meatballs to tag players.  The noodles had a padded stick they would use to also tag players.  If we were tagged, we had to flip our scooters over and at the hospital do 8 burpees to get back into the game.
  • In computer lab, we had time to do either Mathletics or Raz-Kids.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12, 2019- The RECOs are back.

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Fun Lunch this Thursday, we need volunteers for our class for Thursday!
  • Math quiz on multiplying and dividing this Thursday
  • Spelling quiz this Friday

What we did today:
  • In social studies, we worked on completing our dinosaur slides, our opinion writing and our Paleozoic Era artwork.
  • This morning in gym, we did relay races.  We had to catch a ball in a cup, them crawl under a ringette stick laying on top of pylons.  Then we had to do 5 burpees before picking up a foam egg with chop sticks.  We they used a scooter to race back to our team.
  • In computer lab we did Raz-Kids!
  • In math we did some review of multiplication and division for our quiz Thursday.  If we finished, we did a quiz on Mathletics.
  • The Wild Robot was read aloud today.  Roz and Brightbill are fleeing in the countryside.  Roz is camouflaging herself to hide from the RECO robots.  It ended with her and Brightbill in a tree away from the wolves.
  • In library, we had to read to someone after we chose our books.
  • Ask us our science mark from our test. :)

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019 - The last day of the Paleozoic Era

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Treat day tomorrow
  • Library tomorrow
  • Fun Lunch later this week

What we did today:
  • In music we did used our ukuleles and played our chosen songs and our classmate shared her slides with us.
  • In art we continued working on our prehistoric coloring from the paleozoic period. We were expected to finish today and include the horizon, the sea floor, waves, and several different creatures.
  • In gym we played the dinosaur game we played outside on Friday, but this time we played on scooters in the gym.
  • In Daily 5, 2 groups worked in Teacher Time and everyone else finished up their opinion pieces for social studies and finished writing 7 story starters.
  • In computer lab we did Mathletics.
  • Ms. Brunsch was back with us today and she is our FAVOURITE SUB EVER.

Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019- Jurassic Park!

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Book orders due by Monday
  • Clocks to be set back one hour this Sunday- Spring Forward!
  • Our next Fun Lunch, Extreme Pita, is scheduled for next Thursday.  The deadline for you to place your child's order online at is tonight, Friday, March 8 at 11:59 pm.  We are also still in need of  volunteers in Rooms 4.  If you have an approved police clearance, please sign up to volunteer using the Sign-Up Genius.  Fun Lunch volunteers are required to be at the school at about 11:45 am until about 12:40 pm.
  • Treat day next Tuesday

What we did today:
  • We had word study after the big pick up.  We got our spelling words for next week and we got time to work on finishing our word work tasks.
  • For Fresh Air Friday, we had to look up the footprint size of a given dinosaur.  We had to find the length, width and what the footprint looked like.  If we were able to locate these, we then went outside and started to make that footprint in the snow using rulers and meter sticks.
  • After we played a game called Dinosaur Prowl.  There were a T-rex, velociraptors and a venom spitting dinosaur called the dilophosaurus.  They would tag other dinosaurs in the park.  If we were tagged we had to wait for the triceratops to save us.
  • In the Wild Robot Escapes, Roz had dinner with the Shareef family.  It was spring time and Brightbill returned to help his mom escape the farm.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 7, 2019- What is your opinion?

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Fresh Air Friday tomorrow, please be dressed for the weather
  • Book orders due by Monday
  • Clocks to be set back one hour this Sunday- Spring Forward!
  • Our next Fun Lunch, Extreme Pita, is scheduled for next Thursday.  The deadline for you to place your child's order online at is tomorrow night, Friday, March 8 at 11:59 pm.  We are also still in need of  volunteers in Rooms 4.  If you have an approved police clearance, please sign up to volunteer using the Sign-Up Genius.  Fun Lunch volunteers are required to be at the school at about 11:45 am until about 12:40 pm.

What we did today:
  • In social studies, we had a class discussion about what to do if we found a dinosaur bone.  We learned how there is a law against digging and keeping fossils in protected areas.  You can be fined or be jailed for a year!  We then wrote our opinion of whether we thought we should be able to keep it or leave it for all Albertans.
  • In gym, we had our last day of jungle safari.  Ms. Jones eased her restrictions for the traverse wall so there wasn't such a big line.  On the balance beams, we had to do a 5 and 30 second balance pose.  She changed the climber route so that we could only use your arms to cross the first bay.  We also had to jump into the snake pit. 
  • During Daily 5, we had to work on finishing our identification of story beginnings, complete our word work, and work on our guided reading tasks.
  • Today in math, we played division and multiplication games to practice our skills.  We will be having a quiz next week!
  • We had more time to work on our Royal Tyrrell Museum project instead of Ninja Math.
  • In the Wild Robot Escapes, Roz's operation to get the transmitter out was successful, although it took a few tries.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6, 2019- Going through the jungle in gym

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Please bring back journals and word work duo tangs
  • Book orders due by next Monday

What we did today:
  • During computer lab and social studies, we had time to work on our Royal Tyrrell Museum Google Slide project.
  • In language arts, we discussed great story beginnings. As a class we changed a boring sentence into one that is more exciting using sound effects, something weird, a question, action and description.  Then we got into partners and changed a boring sentence about a visit to the zoo, which we will share tomorrow.
  • In music, we continued to work on our cover song project.
  • Today in gym, we tackled more challenges during our jungle safari course.  We had to climb under ladders, use certain holds on the traverse wall and go under hoops keeping our feet and hands on the green vine.
  • This morning we played games and completed fun math activities to practice our multiplication and division skills.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5, 2019- We are Paleontologists sliding back through the ages!

  • Read 20 minutes
  • Homework: grade 4 math p. 313 #11, 13 and 14 due tomorrow
  • Please bring back journals and word work duo tangs

What we did today:
  • Today in gym, we did jungle safari.  We were able to sign on the wall once we completed it once.  Hoops were added and Ms. Jones is adding a new challenge each round to make the course more challenging, such as using only the red and yellow grips on the traverse wall.
  • In social, we were given time to start our Google Slides project on an animal found in the Royal Tyrrell Museum.  We need to research facts and pictures about the animal, as well as the museum itself.  Ms. Jones also showed us a music video about paleontology.
  • During computer lab, we did Raz-Kids.
  • We had a short art class to continue our pictures of the Paleozoic era.  She put up pictures of what animals would have looked like 600- 250 million years ago.
  • In math, we practiced our division skills through questions, an equation search and games.

Monday, March 4, 2019

March 4, 2019- Ms. Jones is back!


  • Read 20 minutes
  • If you want to, you may select an animal for the Social Studies project we discussed this week. The list of animals is below, but you can also pick a different animal from the Royal Tyrell Museum website if you prefer. You do NOT have to start working on the project. We will have lots more dedicated class time over the next couple weeks.

What we did today:
  • In art, we were shown the website where we can see how the world looked long ago. We started to sketch pictures of what Alberta would have looked like during the Paleozoic Era.
  • In language arts, we searched books for their story starters and identify what kind of beginning it is.  Examples of good beginnings are a question/ thought, onomatopoeia, using something weird and description.
  • Today in music we continued our ukelele cover project, where we will be playing a song by learning its notes.
  • In math, the grade 4's continued to develop their long division skills by practicing some questions while the grade 3's played a division game and started some questions from the textbook.
  • In gym, we started jungle safari!  We got today to learn the route, as we will start it for real tomorrow.