Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27, 2017- Twas the hour before conferences...

Read 30 min
Face to face conferences tonight and Friday morning- no school tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 2 due Monday
  • blue- Chapter 1 task and title page due Monday
  • green- 
  • orange- Chapter 3 due Tuesday
  • red- Up to chapter 10 due Wednesday
What did we do today?
  • In math, group C worked on their cereal boxes while group A sorted polygons and group B sorted shapes into different attributes.
  • During gym, we played tag games.  We played We are All It Tag, Amoeba Tag and British Bulldog.  We also had time for Builders and Destroyers.
  • We had buddies today.  We helped our little buddies get onto their Starfall accounts and practice their short vowel sounds.
  • For music, we used Garageband to make a song.  We learned how to change the dynamics (volume).
  • In language arts we worked on our tipi stories.  Ms. Jones has started conferencing with students with students who are finished.
  • At the end of the day in science, the whole class worked together to complete the pulley experiment report.  We had to make sure we had a very good description of what we observed and we needed to use our scientific vocabulary. We had to include a question, hypothesis, diagram and conclusion.
  1. Who will be in our groups for science?  What will our jobs be?

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26, 2017- Our acting skills are Unthinkable!

Read 30 min
Face to face conferences tomorrow night and Friday morning- sign up for your conference time asap
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #22 due tomorrow, work on tipi story so it will be done by tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 2 due Monday
  • blue- Chapter 1 task and title page due next Monday
  • green- Food Chain posters with colour and facts due tomorrow
  • orange- Chapter 3 due May 2
  • red- Up to chapter 10 due May 3
What did we do today?
  • In math, group C worked on their cereal boxes while group A sorted polygons and group B finished their 3D object scavenger hunt.
  • During gym, we played a number of parachute games.  We played popcorn, cat and mouse, sharks in the water and the mushroom.
  • For social, we finished our rubrics from yesterday and we reflected on what we will do better next time.  Then we learned about the 10 different First Nation tribes in Alberta and we had to locate which regions that they lived in.
  • After social, we got to act out our Unthinkable plays to the whole class.  If our group wants to perform only in front of Mrs. Wilkens, we will perform next Monday.
  • For music, we used Garageband to make a song.  We used different sounds to create a song that represented an emotion we drew from a bucket.
  • In language arts we worked on our tipi stories.  Ms. Jones has started conferencing with students with students who are finished.
  • At the end of the day in Daily 5, we worked on our tipi stories, our guided reading tasks and Raz Kids.
  1. How will all our stories turn out?
  2. What will we learn in our nutrition classes?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25, 2017- Pollution in the Water

Read 30 min
Face to face conferences Thursday night and Friday morning- sign up for your conference time asap
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #22 due Thursday, finish writing tipi story in your journal tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 1 task and title page due next Monday
  • green- Food Chain posters due Thursday
  • orange- Chapter 3 due May 2
  • red- Up to chapter 6 due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • We started the day with a presentation from the YellowFish Road program.  We learned that many chemicals and dangerous items can be washed into our sewer drains, polluting the water.  Ask me for a solution of how we can prevent this.
  • In math, group A and B started a lesson on shape, while group C worked to complete the written part of their cereal box project.
  • In Wonder, we heard a vivid description of what Auggie looks like from Via, who now wants to be called Olivia.  We also found out that she has been having a rough start to school too because her friends have changed and she feels left out.
  • In the afternoon, we worked on finishing our tipi stories and we had library exchange.
  • In social, we got back into our Fresh Air Friday groups and continued to research the people the streets of Brentwood are named after.  Afterward, we worked together as a group to complete our rubrics on how well we worked in our groups both on Friday and today.

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017- Agenda

Read 30 min
Face to face conferences Thursday night and Friday morning- sign up for your conference time asap
Special guests from the Yellowfish Road program in tomorrow first thing
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #22 due Thursday
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 1 task and title page due next Monday
  • green- Food Chain posters due tomorrow
  • orange- Chapter 2 due tomorrow
  • red- Up to chapter 6 due Wednesday

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017- Name that Street!

Read 30 min
Face to face conferences next week- sign up for your conference time this weekend
Homework: practice multiplication facts, Group A & B math group: Identifying mass pages due Monday
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Avalanche poster due Monday
  • green- Food Chain posters due Tuesday
  • orange- Chapter 2 due Tuesday
  • red- Up to chapter 6 due Wednesday
What did we do today in class?
  • For Fresh Air Friday, we were given a choice to choose one of six jobs for our task. They were site manager, cartographer, cartographer assistant, local expert, researcher and researcher assistant.  Once we had our groups, we went out to Barrett Park and around the schoolyard to map out and record the names of the streets and buildings in the area. When we got back we started to research the names these streets and building had.
  • Barrett Drive is named after a person named Elizabeth A Barrett.
  • Baker Crescent is named after I.G. Baker, who served the RCMP with food supplies.
  • This morning in science we reviewed the two types of forces, then we conducted a brief experiment about work.  Work is when force moves an object.
1. Where did others get their names?

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017- Our buddies are back!

Read 30 min
Fresh Air Friday tomorrow-please dress to be outside
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery #21 due tomorrow, Group A & B math group: Identifying mass pages due Monday
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Avalanche poster due Monday
  • green- Food Chain posters due Tuesday
  • orange- Chapter 2 due Tuesday
  • red- Up to chapter 6 due Wednesday
What did we do today in class?
  • For math, group A and B weighed themselves and we converted it to kg.  Then we had to do some work about kg.  Group C had to finish our surface area sheets before going back to our cereal box projects.
  • In gym, we played another field game called Raiders of the Ark.  Half of us were raiders who had to steal treasure from the crypt, which were guarded by the crypt keepers.  The raiders had two flags and if one got stolen they could try again.  If they lost both flags, they became crypt keepers.
  • Today in buddies, we helped them put Starfall and Mathletics in their favourites bar.  We also showed them how to close windows and if we had time remaining they could choose Starfall or Mathletics.
  • After buddies in music, we got to listen to three songs and we had to write the name of the song, how we felt and the speed.  We also had to list the instruments we heard.
  • In language arts, we finished our Nellie McClung scrapbooks by writing down 2 quotes, 5-8 facts and a web of the development of Calgary.
  • At the end of the day in health, we continued to work on our iMovies.  They need to be finished by next Thursday.
1. How long did the Famous 5 work together to make the changes they did?
2. How many different laws did they change?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017- Calgary's History Reborn!

Read 30 min
Fun lunch tomorrow
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery #21 due Friday
                 math group A &B p. 172- 1,2,3,6,8
                 Guided reading homework:

    • purple-chapter 1 words due Thursday
    • blue- Avalanche poster due Monday
    • green- Food Chain posters due Tuesday
    • orange- Chapter 2 due Tuesday
    • red- Up to chapter 6 due Wednesday

Science title page due

What did we learn today at Heritage Park?
  • Calgary's buildings were once made of sandstone because we had a great fire and sandstone was fireproof.  However we ran out of it in the quarries around the city in1914.
  • In the early 1900's, women were not seen or recognized as persons until the Famous Five went to the Great Court in London.
  • Women had a Pink Tea, where women would wear pink.  The men didn't like pink so they avoided the parties.  We got to wear pink sashes and Ms. Jones got to wear this cool hat and we drank tea from china cups.
  • The first lumberyard was made by Mr. Prince.  It is where Prince Island Park is today. He also created a company that sold streetlights.
  • Nellie McClung's house was really big and she loved gardening.  She also wrote books that she would write by hand.  Her daughter would then use a typewriter to type them out.
  • The phones were very different in those times.  There was one part that you heard in and another you spoke in.  An operator would have to connect and disconnect you, so they knew everything about everybody!
  • In the hospital, we learned that the medical instruments for surgeries were quite scary and often painful.
No time today.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18, 2017- Healthy Eating 101

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery #21 due Friday, math p. 172- 1,2,3,6,8
Orange guided reading group- assignment late and overdue
Science title page due
Field trip tomorrow at Heritage Park- please dress for the weather and bring a waste-less lunch

What did we do today?
  • Today in math, we got time to finish our tasks with measuring mass using grams.  Group C worked with Ms. Jones today to learn about surface area, which we will include in our cereal projects.
  • In gym, we played King's Gold- a class favourite!
  • After recess, we had a special visitor- our school nurse.  She talked to us about healthy eating.  We should have one dark green vegetable and one orange vegetable a day. Once she was done her presentation, we played a game.
  • In Wonder, Auggie was feeling very happy it was Halloween because no one could see his face under his mask.  He overheard Jack Will's conversation with Julian about Auggie and it wasn't very nice.  He is now known as Jerk Will in our classroom.
  • After lunch we worked on writing and typing out our tipi stories so they will be ready for parent conferences.
  • At the end of the day we had science.  Ms. Cowdy talked to both classes about two types of forces called friction and gravity.
No time today.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017- Glass instead of clay today!

Read 30 min
Celebration of Learning Thursday- please drop by between 1-3pm.  Room 4 music presentation at 1:15pm
No school Friday or Monday
Field trip forms sent home today- due back by Tuesday April 18th
Bring 25¢ to buy a waste-less snack or $1.50 for a snack wrapper
Please wear a Calgary jersey to cheer on our team (or another team jersey if you are cheering for them) 

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day we had a special visitor from Clay For Kids.  With Shelley, we made our glass fence art for the school ground.
  • In gym, we did a relay foot race.  We also did a hula hoop relay and raced against a runner.
  • After gym we had math.  We continued to work on the mass assignment we started yesterday while group C worked on their boxes.  Ms. Jones' tape dispenser is 102g.
  • In science, we had time to continue working on our science title pages.  We had to read facts about each simple machine and record one in each box.
  • In health, we continued practicing for our iMovies.  If we could do it once without stopping, we were then allowed to start taping on the iPads.
  • Before lunch, we planned our scripts using the rubric.
  • After lunch, we were given time to finish any last minute touches to our learning projects for tomorrow's celebration.  If we were done, we could work on our Mountie Meal task, write our tipi stories or help others with their projects.
  • In music, we practiced how we will go on and off the stage for tomorrow.  We also practiced our song for tomorrow's celebration.

  1. How will our glass art turn out?
  2. What will the projects look like?
  3. How many projects are there all together?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017- More food please!

Read 30 min
Group B has math homework:Page 151-152 questions 1 to 8
Treat Day tomorrow
Clay for Kids tomorrow- glass art
Celebration of Learning Thursday- please drop by between 1-3pm.  Room 4 music presentation at 1:15pm
No school Friday or Monday

What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, group A and B learned about mass, grams and kilograms while groups C worked on their projects.  We had to choose objects and we estimated their weight before weighing them and calculating their actual mass.
  • In gym, we had an obstacle course relay race.  This time we had to skip side to side on a skipping rope, carry one egg with chopsticks, army crawl through cones, make a basket and balance a frisbee while walking on a bench.
  • In social studies, we talked about mountie meals, and how they would get rations for a week.  They could add hunting or vegetables from a garden if seasonal.  We also learned Inspector Brisebois took the stove and put it into his own room.  Then he wanted to name the fort after himself without any permission!  The troops called Colonel McLeod and he changed it to Fort Calgary.
  • Before lunch, we planned our scripts using the rubric.
  • During Daily 5, we planned a design for our glass art tomorrow.  It had to be based on nature.  When we finished that we had to work on writing or work on our guided reading projects.
  • At the end of the day, we started to work on our title pages for our simple machines unit.  We needed to include an inclined plane, pulleys, levers, wheel and axle, screw, gears, and a wedge.

  1. No time today.

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017- Clay for Kids

Read 30 min
No Math Mystery this week
Group B has math homework:Page 151. 152 questions 1 to 8
Homework: practice multiplication facts, finish 'Celebration of Learning' project by Wednesday, April 12
Treat Day tomorrow
Lawn and Garden food order form 

What did we do today?
  • This morning we did math in our groups. Group A did shapes, Group B questions from the textbook, Group C continued making our cereal boxes
  • We spent the morning creating our 'Alberta Train' that included a few items that represented Alberta such as: mountains, prairies, foothills, bison and trees.
  • This afternoon in social, we finished our Mountie artifacts in our social books. There is an ammunition belt, which was used to hold ammunition for long rifles and the Red Surge jacket, which could be seen in the dusty and snowy prairies.
  • In gym, we continued relay races.  We did an obstacle race where we had to pass, jump and toss an object. We also used scooters.
  • We also had time to work on our projects.
    • No more teasers! Please join us on Thursday afternoon for our 'Celebration of Learning' in the gym
  • In the afternoon, we had daily 5. We continued to work on our tipi stories. 
  1. No time today.

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017- From Manitoba to Fort Calgary

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts
Lawn and Garden food order form 
Family dance tonight- hope to see you there!
Book orders due Monday
Invite to our learning celebration
Clay for Kids Monday from 10am-12pm

What did we do today?
  • First thing in the morning we had a catch up time.  We had to finish recording our Mountie artifacts before we could work on our learning celebration projects.
  • For Fresh Air Friday, we were Mounties traveling from Dufferin, Manitoba to Fort Calgary. We were given a way of transportation and we had relay races.  They were horse and cart, airplane, travois, car, train, canoe, bike, horse and walking.  We had to travel according to the cards given and we timed each different way of travel.
  • After our snack break, we discussed the obstacles the Mounties would have had with each transportation method.  Such obstacles were stopping for rest and food, animals, flooding and rivers.  Then Ms. Jones created obstacles in the relay race, and we tried two other ways of transportation with these obstacles.
  • We learned that it actually took 97 days traveling by horse for the Mounties to complete the Great West March.
  1. How long would it have taken the NWCP to complete their way west if they walked it? With a horse and cart?  What obstacles did they encounter?
  2. What simple machine will we study first?

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017- Today was relay WONDER-ful

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts
Lawn and Garden food order form 
Family dance this Friday
Book orders due next Monday
Invite to our learning celebration

What did we do today?
  • This morning in math,  group C continued to work on their cereal box math while group b practiced calculating area.  Group A worked with Ms. Jones to build different shapes with the same perimetre.
  • In gym, we did more "relay fun" relay races.  Our warm up today was playing Superhero tag.  Then we had relay races using chopsticks and foam eggs, scooters and paddles and we also did the animal race again.
  • After recess, we continued reading WONDER.  Ms. Jones also brought in a book called We're All Wonders, which is written by the same author. Auggie wanted to have a big birthday party at a bowling alley and invited everyone in his homeroom.  He has never had a party like that before.
  • In music, we practiced our song on the ukeleles for our learning celebration.  After we played freeze dance.
  • In language arts, we started to write our tipi stories.  We also worked on finishing our word work and our read to self tasks.
  • At the end of the day we had time to work on our projects for next week.  Remember to make time between 1-3pm Thursday April 13th!
  1. We ran out of time again.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5, 2017- Mounties on the Run and science is back!

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery #20 due tomorrow
Lawn and Garden food order form 
Family dance this Friday
Book orders due next Monday

What did we do today?
  • This morning in social, we continued to record and sketch the Mountie artifacts in our social books. There is an ammunition belt, which was used to hold ammunition for long rifles and the Red Surge jacket, which could be seen in the dusty and snowy prairies.
  • In gym, we continued relay races.  We did an animal race where we were assigned different animals and we had to travel like them.  We also did a chicken race and a caterpillar race.
  • We also had time to work on our projects.
    • Our presentation teaser today is: The T-rex could run 64km/hour!  That is pretty fast!
  • In health we continued to plan our movie ideas for our Unthinkables.
  • In science, we started our Simple Machines unit by watching a Bill Nye video.  He talked about levers, pulleys, ramps, screws, wheels and axles and gears.
  • In music, we practiced our ukelele song, which we will be playing April 13th at our learning celebration.  It will start at 1:00pm.  We also played a game of freeze dance.
  • At the end of the day we had daily 5. We continued to work on our activities or we worked in our guided reading groups.
  1. What simple machines will we be making in science?
  2. What will we be making in Clay for Kids next Monday?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017-

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery #20 due Thursday
Lawn and Garden food order form 
Family dance raffle basket donations to be collected March 20- April 5th
Family dance this Friday
Book orders due next Monday

What did we do today?
  • Today in math, group A worked on a perimetre activity.  Group B learned about calculating area and group C started a cereal box challenge.
  • In gym, we continued relay races.  This time we used racquets to carry bean bags and dribble tennis balls.  We also did the caterpillar races and rolled dice to find out how many jumping jacks we would do.
  • Today in social we recorded and sketched the artifacts we got from Fort Calgary.  One column we had to fill was to draw a picture and the other column we recorded what it was used for.  We got this information from strips of paper that were at each artifact.
  • In language arts/ Daily 5, Ms. Jones read us Wonder.  After we had to complete a task called Connection Cake.  We had to write how we connected the text we read to ourselves, other books and the world.  We did it together as a class.
  • We had library exchange.
  • At the end of the day we had project time, so we continued to work on learning celebration projects.
    • Today's presentation teaser for our presentation April 13th:  Did you know that 3D illusion art started in Greece?

Monday, April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017- Don't Touch the Ground on Your Way to Money Island

Read 30 min
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery #20 due Thursday
Lawn and Garden food order form sent home today
Family dance raffle basket donations to be collected March 20- April 5th
Please bring your indoor shoes back at school
Family dance this Friday
Clay for Kids volunteers needed for Monday (10-12) and Wednesday next week

What did we do today?
  • Today in math, we started with multiplication ninja Monday after we shared what we did on the break.  We also got our new math mystery case.
  • In gym, we did relay races.  We had to reach Money Island on a scooter without touching the ground.  We also had to use two dots to get across, which was a lot harder!
  • In social studies, we got a box of Northwest Mounted Police artifacts from Fort Calgary.  We got to examine them in small groups.  Some of the items were: the ammunition holster, a Red Surge jacket that we got to try on and the button cleaner.
  • In health, we planned our scripts for our Unthinkable movies.  We will start filming next week.
  • After lunch in language arts, we did word work together as a class.  The secret word was vegetables.
  • At the end of the day we had project time, so we continued to work on learning celebration projects.
    • Today's presentation teaser:  The cliff at Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump has a 30 foot drop.
1. What are we going to be doing next in health? 
2. What will we do next with the NWCP artifacts?