Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31, 2017- Learn or treat!

Library Thursday
Special guests coming this Friday to work with us, media release sent home
Book orders due Friday
Photo orders sent home

Top Three Things We Learned Today
  • We had the Halloween parade this afternoon.  We finished our halloween ads and got to work on a halloween math game if we finished all our work.
  • In gym, we played two games called Pumpkin Patch and Ghostbusters.  Both of them were dodgeball-type games.  
  • We got to catch up on work we were behind on.  
What do we have to do next?
We will be starting new tasks in Daily 5 and math tomorrow.

Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017- Do you have the proper measurements?

Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer
Halloween Parade tomorrow afternoon
Library Thursday
Special guests coming this Friday to work with us
Book orders due Friday

*The Halloween parade will take place tomorrow. Please be respectful of the costumes you are choosing – violent type or extremely scary costumes are discouraged.

Top Three Things We Learned Today
  • In the afternoon, we went outside to measure our shadows but the clouds covered the sun and it was very difficult for us to even see them.  Therefore we learned that you need light to have shadows.
  • In gym, we played a game called Witches Cauldron.  There were five hoops or cauldrons on the floor.  We practiced controlling our bodies so that we didn't bump into anybody or trip over the hoops/ cauldrons.
  • We also got time to finish our haunted house ads and to double check our observations for the shadow measurements.  Check the board outside our classroom to see and read our spooky work.
What do we have to do next?
We have to take two measurements of our shadows in the afternoon, make a scientific observation and write down what we have learned.

    Thursday, October 26, 2017

    October 26, 2017- Can you learn in your pajamas?

    Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, study spelling words, 
    gr.3 math- p 66-67 #1,2,3,4 and 6, estimation worksheets due Monday
    Spelling quiz tomorrow- please bring your spelling duo tang to school tomorrow

    *The Halloween parade will take place next Tuesday afternoon. Please be respectful of the costumes you are choosing – violent type or extremely scary costumes are discouraged.

    Top Three Things We Learned Today
    • At the end of the day in science, sorted tv screens, stars, neon signs, and fireflies as natural or reflected light and if they are a hot or cool source.
    • In math, we learned how to estimate objects using referents and we worked on an activity to practice our new skill.
    • In computer lab, we finished writing and used COPS to make sure our work was correct.  We use a purple highlighter to highlight juicy words and we use yellow to look for capitals.
    What do we have to do next?
    For math, we are going to use our estimation skills to guess the number of Skittles™ in a jar.

      Wednesday, October 25, 2017

      October 25, 2017- Artificial vs Natural Light

      Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, study spelling words, gr.3- p 66-67 #1,2,3,4 and 6
      Spelling quiz Friday
      Spirit day tomorrow-pajama and stuffie day
      Library tomorrow

      *bringing toys to school are discouraged and should not be brought, unless for a sharing time(Grade 1/2 and K classes for the most part). We are running into issues where the items are causing distractions in classes and taking additional time to try and track down missing items.

      *The Halloween parade will take place next Tuesday afternoon. Please be respectful of the costumes you are choosing – violent type or extremely scary costumes are discouraged.

      Top Three Things We Learned Today
      • At the end of the day in science, we watched the start of an experiment where we are going to see if the colours from one glass move to another and if the colours mix.  We also learned about artificial and natural light.
      • In music, we got our spots ready for our production of the song "Fool."  We have our set up decided.
      • In Daily 5, we learned about how to use more juicy words and to edit for them using a purple highlighter.  We also discussed good starter sentences so that people will read our ads.
      What do we have to do next?
      We need to type our haunted house ads up to put with our artwork.

        Tuesday, October 24, 2017

        October 24, 2017- White light makes a rainbow....and vice versa.

        Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, study spelling words
        Spelling quiz Friday
        Spirit day Thursday-pajama and stuffie day
        School Council letter sent home
        Library Thursday

        Top Three Things We Learned Today
        • In math, the grade 4's practiced their sorting skills using Carroll Diagrams using a deck of cards.  The grade 3's finished their skip counting activity where they were counting by 3's and 4's.
        • At the end of the day, we watched a Bill Nye video to introduce our unit of light and shadow.  We learned that if you shine a light through a prism, a rainbow comes out the other side.  If you have a white cloth in the sun, it will reflect light while a black cloth will absorb it.
        • In music, we started singing the song "Fool."  We also had to sing different chords.
        What do we have to do next?
        In science, we need to finish brainstorming what we know about light and what sources make light.

          Monday, October 23, 2017

          Monday, October 23, 2017 - Do The Hula Hoops and Maps at the end of the Day

          Today Mrs. Polski did our blog with us. Ms. Jones had to leave early to go to a workshop and Mrs. Polski came into our classroom for her.

          1. Read 20 minutes
          2. Homework if you didn't finish your bell ringer
          3. Number of the day homework also if you didn't finish
          4. Tomorrow is Treat day. Please remember to bring a quarter if you want to purchase a treat.

          Top Three things we learned today:
          1.Today we worked on our mapping of the community spots from our community walk on FAF.
          2. Today in gym we had to do 5 centers that Ms. Jones had set out for us. They also had skip-its and hula hoops.
          3. Today in computer lab the grade 3s worked on their SLAs. When we finished we did Mathletics.

          We are looking forward to finishing up our Haunted House pages in Language Arts.

          Friday, October 20, 2017

          October 20, 2017- A Walk Around the Neighbourhood

          Homework: Read 20 minutes
          New spelling words have been sent home
          Spirit day next Thursday-pajama and stuffie day
          School Council letter sent home
          Lunch Lady forms

          What We Learned Today During Fresh Air Friday
          • Today we walked around our neighbourhood as junior anthropologists.  We had different jobs looking for different places.  These included places to learn, worship, meet, play, work and buy things.  Everyone found different places for each category.
          • We watched a quick video today about anger and how it affects our brains.  We also learned that if we just breathe, it can calm us down.  Here is the link:www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVA2N6tX2cg
          What do we need to do next?

          With our new observations about our neighbourhood, we will map out these places and do some math!

          Thursday, October 19, 2017

          October 19, 2017- 13 Redville Avenue as sold by the Ghoulish Goblins

          Homework: Read 20 minutes, Quality of Life web for social, finish science research and questions
          Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- we will be walking around the community tomorrow so please wear good running shoes
          New spelling words will come home tomorrow
          Spirit day next Thursday-pajama and stuffie day

          Top Three Things We Learned Today
          • After lunch, the grade 3s finished their work on counting money in math, while the grade 4s learned about sorting using a Carroll Diagram.
          • Today in gym, we had different skipping centers to go to, where we practiced different skills.  One was the crossover.
          • During Daily 5, we started planning the features of the house that we will be selling.  Some of the features brainstormed were: creaky doors and floors, creepy dolls and gigantic werewolves in the attic.
          What do we have to do next?
          Next, we need to write our advertisement and attach them to our pictures.

          Wednesday, October 18, 2017

          October 18, 2017- Haunted Picture Day- Say Boo!

          Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, math- grade 3- pgs 60-61 # 1-4
          Fun lunch tomorrow

          Top Three Things We Learned Today
          • At the end of the day in art, we planned out the shape of our haunted house.  We used black and yellow paper to add details such as a witch, ghosts and bats.
          • Today in music, Mr. O'Reilly taught us some rhythms with the rhythm sticks.  We also had to guess how many beats were in a song.
          • In gym, we started skipping.  We practiced different skills such as backwards skipping, double bounce, single bounce and jog skipping.
          What do we have to do next?
          In daily 5 tomorrow, we are going to start writing our descriptive ads to sell our haunted houses.

          Tuesday, October 17, 2017

          October 17, 2017- The Haunted Picture

          Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, math- grade 4 p. 44 #1,2
          Picture Day tomorrow- look fabulous!
          Fun lunch this Thursday

          Top Three Things We Learned Today
          • At the end of the day in art, we started our new project..our haunted house.  We had to finish our backgrounds today.  We started with a white circle and we added colour for each additional circle to make the sky darker.
          • In gym, we got to choose playing either four square or snakes and ladders.  They are newly painted on our compound.
          • In Daily 5, we got new letters and word families to practice.  They are tion, the hard c sound and the soft c sound.
          What do we have to do next?
          Next time in art, we are going to make our haunted houses.  We are also going to write a description of our houses to sell them.

          Friday, October 13, 2017

          October 13, 2017- Do You Know Your Words?

          Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, social web due Tuesday
          Picture Day Wednesday
          No school Monday

            What We Learned Today During Fresh Air Friday
            • Before we went out today, we had our first spelling test.  We had 10 minutes to practice our words with our spelling buddy.
            • We had to use our observation skills correctly.  We had to make sure we were reading the measuring tools correctly.  With our observations about our plants, we had to make sure we were using our senses of seeing, feeling and smelling to write a descriptive sentence.
            What do we need to do next?
            We need to make sure we have our spelling words at school, as some of us forgot them today!

            Thursday, October 12, 2017

            October 12, 2017- Solve a mystery... in the library

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, spelling test words, social web due Tuesday
            Spelling test tomorrow-ways to practice your spelling words 
            Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- dress for the weather
            Picture Day next Wednesday
            No school next Monday

            Top Three Things We Learned Today
            • In math, the grade 4's learned about three different types of Venn diagrams that we could use to sort numbers.  
            • The grade 3's used money stamps to count money by 5's, 10's, 25's and 100's.
            • During Daily 5, Ms. Cowdy read us another book about verbs.  We will be expected to use juicy verbs in our writing and speaking by December.
            What do we need to do next?
            We need to finish the math work we started to show we understand what we are learning.

            Wednesday, October 11, 2017

            October 11, 2017- Our Own Quality of Life

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, spelling test words, math p. 57 #3-4
            Spelling test this Friday-ways to practice your spelling words included
            Library tomorrow-bring your books for exchange
            Picture Day next Wednesday
            No school next Monday

            Top Three Things We Learned Today
            • We discussed what makes a good quality of life.  Some things are feeling loved or that you belong, having clean, fresh water, having food and feeling safe.
            • After lunch in music, we talked about the jobs we could have for the music video we are going to make.  We also danced to the song "Fool".
            • In gym, we played a game called get your ball.  We had to race to the ball in the middle and dribble it back to our safe zone, where we would trap it for a point.
            What do we need to do next?
            We will need to practice more singing and with playing our musical instruments to get ready for the contest video.

            Tuesday, October 10, 2017

            October 10, 2017- A Chance to Get $10 000 Dollars! (in Music)

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, spelling test words, math p. 57 #1-2
            Spelling test this Friday
            Picture Day October 18th
            No school next Monday

            Top Three Things We Learned Today
            • In gym, we played soccer outside.  There were two games set up.  One was more competitive than the other.  We practiced our skills of keeping the ball in play and being good sports.
            • After lunch in music, we watched two songs from the movie The Sound of Music.  He told us about the music contest and we picked a song to sing for it.  We will sing a song called "Fool".
            • In science, we finished our research and investigation about our adopted plants.  Did you know that the Trembling Aspen does not need much space to thrive?
            What do we need to do next?
            We need to learn our song lyrics and get the instruments ready to play.

            Friday, October 6, 2017

            October 6, 2017- Is My Plant Healthy?

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, spelling test words (oops! I forgot to send them home!  Will hand out Tuesday.)
            Spelling test next Friday
            Picture Day October 18th
            No school Monday

            What We Learned Today During Fresh Air Friday
            • We investigated if our adopted plants had enough space by measuring how far it was from the nearest plant using meter sticks and rulers.  We used thermometers to measure the temperature around the trees/ plants.  We looked at the soil using spoons and we made observations about the soil they are planted in.

            Thursday, October 5, 2017

            October 5, 2017- Put on your botanist hats!

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, social picture card (coloured neatly)
            Book orders due tomorrow
            Picture Day October 18th
            No school Monday

            Top Three Things We Learned Today
            • At the end of the day we had science.  We had to research what our adopted plant needs to live.  The Trembling Aspen needs sun and is able to live in many different weather conditions.
            • After lunch in math, we worked on some questions that had us work with number lines.  We had to start at a certain number and count by 1's, 2's, 5's, 100's and 25's to reach another number.
            • The grade 4's worked on numbers to 1000 on the computer, while the grade 3's started our reading and math SLAs.
            What do we need to do next?
            We need to complete our research before we can go outside and measure the needs of our adopted plants.

            Wednesday, October 4, 2017

            October 4, 2017- Community Palooza

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, social picture card (coloured neatly)
            Book orders due Friday

            Top Three Things We Learned Today

            • In social studies, we discussed what communities provide, such as places to play, places to learn, and place to buy things.  We then had time to finish our picture cards showing a place that makes our community a good place to live.
            • We learned that the portable is becoming a third grade 1/2 classroom.  Because of this our music classes are now on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  We did some singing exercises.
            • Today during computers, the grade 4's went on Mathletics while the grade 3's were introduced to their SLA tasks and how to log on.
            What do we need to do next?
            Tomorrow the grade 3's will start their SLA's on the computer now that they know how to log in.

            Tuesday, October 3, 2017

            October 3, 2017- Stories by Saa'Kokoto

            Homework: Read 20 minutes, bell ringer, word work, pronoun sheet
            Book orders due Friday

            Top Three Things We Learned Today

            • After gym, we had a special visitor from one of the Blackfoot tribes today.  We learned a few words and he showed us a headdress and pictures of his ancestors. He told us a story about Thunder.  The Blackfoot honour him every first thunderstorm by having a ceremony.
            • In social studies, we finished typing our social interviews and we worked on completing two picture cards with a picture of something that makes our community great.
            • In gym, we first played a little game of pig in the middle.  Then we played mini games of soccer in the gym.
            What do we need to do next?
            We need to practice keeping the ball in control using traps, small passes, and dribbling, not big kicks!  We also need to learn more Blackfoot words.

            Monday, October 2, 2017

            October 2, 2017- A Calculating Conundrum

            Please bring in your toonies for Terry. We are collecting until tomorrow.
            Homework: bell ringer, word work, math text work

            Top Three Things We Learned Today

            • After lunch we had math.  After the number of the day we got a problem to solve as detectives if our text book work was done.  It was a Calculating Conundrum where we had to use place value and comparing numbers to solve a mystery.
            • During computer lab, we had to email Ms. Jones who we would like to sit with and who we thought has been outstanding.  Then we went on our Mathletics account to finish an assignment.
            • In gym, we played mini soccer games.  The gym was split into three fields where six teams played.  We had to practice dribbling and control to keep the ball in our field and to score a goal.
            What do we need to do next?
            We need calculate the value of our word work words using a decoder sheet.