Friday, December 13, 2019

December 13, 2019- Erupting snow volcanos

Important Info:

Hoodie / t-shirt order forms due
Book order form for the Kidsburgh Chronicles due tomorrow
Fill a sock campaign all this week- items needed include socks, gloves, lip balm, travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, hand warmers, cough drops, deodorant, candies, travel size toiletries.

Save the date: 
                      Polar Express spirit day Monday December 16th 
                      Christmas carolling December 17th-19th

What did we learn today?
  • Two days ago in social we watched a video about the murals in Coventry Hills.  After we watched the video, we drew pictures from the murals in our visual journals.  We also wrote some facts about the pictures that were on the mural.
  • Today we made volcanos out of snow!  First we made a base before adding baking soda, food colouring and vinegar to help them erupt.


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