- Read 20 min
- Hoop dancing residency all this week
- Field trip forms sent home
- Spelling test tomorrow, word work to be handed in
- Report cards go home tomorrow
- No school Friday
- Book orders due February 6, 2019
- Save the dates: tomorrow- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
- In music, we had sharing. Afterwards we had a music review/ quiz.
- During Daily 5, we had time to work on word work. If we were done, we started a journal reflecting about our week with Teddy Anderson and hoop dancing. We could write about our experience, colour of hoops, how we are enjoying it and what moves we learned.
- In hoop dancing, Teddy showed us how to make a circle, butterfly wings and eagle wings using all five hoops.
- Ms. Jones read us the remaining pages of The Wild Robot. Robots came to the island to take Roz away. The animals helped Roz escape the RECOS robots and destroy them. In the end......wait..you need to read the book yourself! It is good...it made Ms. Jones cry.
- In math, the grade 3's played different multiplication games to practice their facts. The grade 4's finished their work with multiplication of three digit by one digit numbers. Then they got to play a game to make the biggest product while placing cards in different place value.
- In computer lab, we added a new artifact to our IRIS pages. If we had time, we had to comment on the picture.
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