- Read 20 min
- Classroom lacrosse residency Monday and Tuesday
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center- volunteers needed
- In science, we chose the instrument that we are going to build to show different pitch. Materials we will need for this project include:
- straws, popsicle sticks, wood, pole/ stick, string, thick ribbon, pencil crayons, paper towel roll, tape, water bottle cap, fabric, paper, plastic bottles, food colouring, styrofoam trays, tissue boxes, glue guns, marble, rubber ball, and skewers.
- We had a special visitor today- Sa'akokoto came to tell us stories. He told us a story about why the bear has a short tail and sleeps in the winter. He also talked about Na'a and how she gives us food through berries, medicines and an art gallery of colours. He also talked about the sky, the sun and the moon the Big Dipper, and how to say numbers in Blackfoot.
- We did not go outside today because it was too cold.
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