- Read 20 min
- Hoop dancing residency all this week
- Spelling test Thursday
- Save the dates: January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
- We made our own hoops for hoop dancing. Teddy Anderson showed us how. First, we cut tubing to one inch higher than our height. Volunteers helped us out with that. Then we washed the tubing before adding a connector to make the tubing into a hoop. Then we chose a colour of electric tape to cover the connector. Then we covered the whole hoop and added markers.
- In math, we finished up some work from last week. If we finished we played a multiplication game. The grade 3's played criss cross using two dice and a deck of cards. The grade 4's played t-ball multiplication where we drew three cards and tried to create the largest product.
- In art, some of us, finished our hoops. The rest of us started our array cities. We made buildings with windows. How many windows you put was your array which you recorded on the sidewalk.
- In computer lab, we did Mathletics.
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