January 21, 2019- First Day of Lacrosse

- Read 20 min
- Classroom lacrosse residency Tuesday
- Treat day tomorrow- bring 25¢
- Homework: journals due Wednesday
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed
- January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center- volunteers needed
- Materials we will need for our science project this Thursday include:
- straws, popsicle sticks, wood, pole/ stick, string, thick ribbon, pencil crayons, paper towel roll, tape, water bottle cap, fabric, paper, plastic bottles, food colouring, styrofoam trays, tissue boxes, glue guns, marble, rubber ball, and skewers.
What did we do today?
- In art, we started a new project where we will be building a city, with buildings based on multiplication arrays. We used the arrays to show how many windows are on each building and then we will will write the multiplication sentence on the sidewalk below.
- We had a special visitor today- in gym we had Bobby Schneider in from Elev8 Lacrosse. He showed us how to scoop, throw and catch the ball, and some stick tricks. Then we had practice time to shoot the ball at the net before having a competition to see which team would score the most.
- In music, we got a whiteboard and we reviewed the notes we learned last class. We talked about rests and 4 beats. Then we had to create our own.
- During Daily 5, we finished our journals or did a read to self.
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