- Read 20 min
- bring recycled materials for building
- Homework: grade 4's math: array sheet and p. 286 #1-6
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency
- January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- In science, we started building our instruments. We had to write a hypothesis about how it will change pitch and show it to a teacher. We also listed the materials we used and the step by step procedure to build it.
- During buddies, we helped our little buddies log onto Mathletics and we did shape patterns with them.
- In math, the grade 3's learned about using near facts to help multiply. We then practiced our 3,4, 6 and 7 times tables. The grade 4's got to play a game like tic tac toe with bigger numbers if they finished their text work.
- Ms. Jones read The Wild Robot. In the story, Roz had many animals come to the Nest to keep warm. Roz decided to show them how to make fire and then built them lodges to protect them at night. One lodge caught fire when they put too many logs on the fire. Roz saved a baby hare from the fire.
- In gym, we played basketball. We started to play a game where we would play 3 on 3.
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