- Read 20 min
- Hoop dancing residency all this week
- Blind sorting with parent to be done tonight
- Spelling test Thursday
- Report cards go home Thursday
- No school Friday
- Save the dates: January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
- We had our first day of hoop dancing. We started with one hoop and worked our way to using three hoops. At the end, we got a couple of minutes of freestyle time to try any trick we liked.
- In social studies, we watched three videos about the water treatment in Calgary. The first video showed how it cleaned the water during the 2013 flood. The second video showed how the water treatment plant is using solar power as electricity for the treatment center. The last video showed us how we treated waste water before it returns to the Bow River. Then we finished our vocabulary page.
- In math, the grade fours learned how to expand their strategies to multiply a hundreds number by a single digit. The box method, which is called the lattice method, adds another box to it. The grade threes played different games to practice their multiplication facts.
- During Daily 5, we had guided reading, word work or listen to reading.
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