- Read 20 min
- Report cards went home today, please sign and return envelope to the teacher
- No school tomorrow
- Save the dates: February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
What did we do today?
- In the afternoon, we had a performance assembly where we did our hoop dancing moves that we have learned from Teddy Anderson this past week. At the end, Teddy did a dance with 30 hoops!
- In math we played some games to practice our multiplication. After recess, Ms. Jones showed us how to make a story problem for a multiplication problem. In groups, we made our own problems, which Ms. Jones read to the class to solve. We made sure we added special words such as each, altogether and total.
- In science, we worked on our instrument experiment. We started our observations of our instrument to change something that would change the pitch. It might have been changed by a thick or thin elastic, a long or short straw or if we loosened a string. We also drew a diagram of our instrument with labels.
- Ms. Jones showed us a video of a person drumming on ice with a rock. If you hit clear ice, it can make a higher pitch compared to hitting opaque ice, which has air and water in it.
- In computer lab, we had ninja math. We worked towards earning our black bead, which would earn us a ninja pencil.

- Read 20 min
- Hoop dancing residency all this week
- Field trip forms sent home
- Spelling test tomorrow, word work to be handed in
- Report cards go home tomorrow
- No school Friday
- Book orders due February 6, 2019
- Save the dates: tomorrow- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
What did we do today?
- In music, we had sharing. Afterwards we had a music review/ quiz.
- During Daily 5, we had time to work on word work. If we were done, we started a journal reflecting about our week with Teddy Anderson and hoop dancing. We could write about our experience, colour of hoops, how we are enjoying it and what moves we learned.
- In hoop dancing, Teddy showed us how to make a circle, butterfly wings and eagle wings using all five hoops.
- Ms. Jones read us the remaining pages of The Wild Robot. Robots came to the island to take Roz away. The animals helped Roz escape the RECOS robots and destroy them. In the need to read the book yourself! It is made Ms. Jones cry.
- In math, the grade 3's played different multiplication games to practice their facts. The grade 4's finished their work with multiplication of three digit by one digit numbers. Then they got to play a game to make the biggest product while placing cards in different place value.
- In computer lab, we added a new artifact to our IRIS pages. If we had time, we had to comment on the picture.

- Read 20 min
- Homework: grade 4's math: array sheet and p. 286 #1-6
- Hoop dancing residency all next week
- Spelling test Thursday
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency
- January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
What did we do today?
- In word study, we got our spelling words to practice for the next week.
- For Fresh Air Friday, Ms. Jones made us sick! She gave us a sheet with different symptoms and we had to find the plant that would cure them. Using a book with the plants in them, we figured out the plant, found its location and sketched it.
- We got some extra building time to finish our instruments. If we finished, we recorded our materials, the procedure and drew a diagram of our instrument.
- We also did the big pick up.
- Read 20 min
- bring recycled materials for building
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed Monday to help with hoop making (1:00-1:30pm)
- January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
- Materials we will need for our science project tomorrow include:
- straws, popsicle sticks, wood, pole/ stick, string, thick ribbon, pencil crayons, paper towel roll, tape, water bottle cap, fabric, paper, plastic bottles, food colouring, styrofoam trays, tissue boxes, glue guns, marble, rubber ball, and skewers.
What did we do today?
- In music, we reviewed some rests. We had to make our own beats/ rhythm and then we would share that with a partner.
- In math, the grade threes practiced using arrays by playing the array game. The grade fours learned three different ways to multiply big numbers: cross multiplication, breaking apart the number and using a box method.
- During computer lab, we did multiplication ninja math, because tomorrow we have buddies. One classmate received their first ninja pencil because they did up to 12.
- In social studies, we learned about water as a natural resource. Most of the stuff we use on a daily basis either uses or needs water to manufacture it. That includes our clothes, cars and food.
- In gym, we played basketball. We started to play a game where we would play 3 on 3.
- Read 20 min
- Homework: journals due tomorrow
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed Monday to help with hoop making
- January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center- one/ two more volunteer needed
- Materials we will need for our science project this Thursday include:
- straws, popsicle sticks, wood, pole/ stick, string, thick ribbon, pencil crayons, paper towel roll, tape, water bottle cap, fabric, paper, plastic bottles, food colouring, styrofoam trays, tissue boxes, glue guns, marble, rubber ball, and skewers.
What did we do today?
- In social studies, we learned about forestry. We brainstormed items that we know are made out of wood before watching a video. Some of the items were: tables, chairs, and shelves. In the video we learned lap top screens and towels have wood fibers in them.
- In gym, we had our second day of lacrosse class. We played a game against each other. After he gave us two vouchers for a RoughNecks game and a signed card for Elev8.
- In computer lab, we did Raz-Kids.
- During Daily 5, we were switched into new groups for guided reading. We now have seven groups.
- In math, we played an array game. Using dice and graph paper, we rolled two numbers and multiplied them using arrays. The grade 3's multiplied single digits, while the grade 4's multiplied a two digit by one digit number.
- In word study, we got new words to work with and study this week. Ms. Jones's group was past-present tense words while Ms. Cowdy's group worked with -ir, -er, and -ur.

- Read 20 min
- Classroom lacrosse residency Tuesday
- Treat day tomorrow- bring 25¢
- Homework: journals due Wednesday
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed
- January 31- performance assembly starting at 1:30pm
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center- volunteers needed
- Materials we will need for our science project this Thursday include:
- straws, popsicle sticks, wood, pole/ stick, string, thick ribbon, pencil crayons, paper towel roll, tape, water bottle cap, fabric, paper, plastic bottles, food colouring, styrofoam trays, tissue boxes, glue guns, marble, rubber ball, and skewers.
What did we do today?
- In art, we started a new project where we will be building a city, with buildings based on multiplication arrays. We used the arrays to show how many windows are on each building and then we will will write the multiplication sentence on the sidewalk below.
- We had a special visitor today- in gym we had Bobby Schneider in from Elev8 Lacrosse. He showed us how to scoop, throw and catch the ball, and some stick tricks. Then we had practice time to shoot the ball at the net before having a competition to see which team would score the most.
- In music, we got a whiteboard and we reviewed the notes we learned last class. We talked about rests and 4 beats. Then we had to create our own.
- During Daily 5, we finished our journals or did a read to self.
- Read 20 min
- Classroom lacrosse residency Monday and Tuesday
- Save the dates:
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center- volunteers needed
What did we do today?
- In science, we chose the instrument that we are going to build to show different pitch. Materials we will need for this project include:
- straws, popsicle sticks, wood, pole/ stick, string, thick ribbon, pencil crayons, paper towel roll, tape, water bottle cap, fabric, paper, plastic bottles, food colouring, styrofoam trays, tissue boxes, glue guns, marble, rubber ball, and skewers.
- We had a special visitor today- Sa'akokoto came to tell us stories. He told us a story about why the bear has a short tail and sleeps in the winter. He also talked about Na'a and how she gives us food through berries, medicines and an art gallery of colours. He also talked about the sky, the sun and the moon the Big Dipper, and how to say numbers in Blackfoot.
- We did not go outside today because it was too cold.
- Read 20 min
- Word work activities due- bring duo tangs back tomorrow
- Spelling quiz tomorrow
- Sa'akokoto will be here tomorrow
- Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- dress to go on a walk outside to check out a solar panel
- Save the dates: January 21-22 Classroom lacrosse
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency- volunteers needed
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center- volunteers needed
What did we do today?
- In science, we learned that we will be making instruments. We tested the pitch and frequency of elastics to tune a box string instrument. If the elastic is longer, it would have a lower pitch and slower frequency. If it is shorter it had a higher pitch and a faster frequency.
- In math, the grade 3's learned about the array strategy to multiply. The grade 4's also worked with arrays with numbers into the tens and hundreds. They had to draw the arrays to figure out given problems.
- In computer lab, Ms. Cowdy introduced us to Multiplication Ninja. She told us about the different belt colours we can earn for our brag tags.
- In gym, Ms. Jones changed the SPARK game. There were six dots in different spots on the floor. Each colour was a letter. Once we got a shot in from one dot we would move to another. We also played SHARK instead of Dribble Keep Away to practice their dribbling.
- In Daily 5, we had a "Ketchup and Pickles" time, where we had time to finish tasks we were not done. If we finished our writing, art and math we could pick a "pickle" activity.
- Read 20 min
- Word work activities due tomorrow
- Fun lunch tomorrow
- Spelling quiz Friday
- Sa'akokoto will be here Friday
- Save the dates: January 21-22 Classroom lacrosse
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
What did we do today?
- In social studies, we learned about agriculture, which includes cattle farming and crops. We watched a video about farming, where we learned how they process wheat. They take it to the grain elevator and test their quality. Trains take it to other places.
- In gym we did the four centers in basketball again. Two groups did a game called SPARK were they shot at the net. If we spelled SPARK we moved to another pylon to shoot from. Ms. Jones gave us more time to finish the games.
- We played a memory game in music today. Mr. O'Reilly had cards with different notes. We had to write them on our whiteboards and show him to see if it was right.
- In journals, we worked on our winter break journals. Ms. Jones was hoping we would have our first two paragraphs done with details.
- In math, we started to learn about arrays. The grade 4's used arrays to solve questions such as 23 x4. They also played the array game, which is like battleship. The grade 3's continued to practice equal groups and worked with bigger numbers.
- Check out our IRIS pages for our new goals and strategies.
- Read 20 min
- Spirit day club tomorrow at lunch
- Word work activities due Thursday
- Fun lunch Thursday
- Spelling quiz Friday
- Sa'akokoto will be here Friday
- Save the dates: January 21-22 Classroom lacrosse
- January 28-31 Hoop Dancing residency
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
What did we do today?
- In social studies, we learned about reusable sources of energy, such as solar panels and wind turbines. We went over the pros and cons for each one. The government of Alberta will give rebates if you install solar panels on your homes and they produce less pollution.
- In gym we did four centers in basketball. Two groups did a game called SPARK were they shot at the net, while the other two groups did pig in the middle to practice passes and dribble keep away.
- During journals, we worked to complete our introduction and second paragraph with details. If you finished early, we went onto our Daily 5 assignment.
- In math, we had to finish our math activity that we started yesterday. If we finished early, the sub let us play the card game war.
- Read 20 min
- Spirit day club Wednesday at lunch
- Word work activities due Thursday
- Fun lunch Thursday
- Sa'akokoto will be here Friday
- Save the dates: January 21-22 Classroom lacrosse
- February 6, 2019- Field trip to National Music Center
What did we do today?
- In art, we re-watched the Snowman At Night chalk art video to watch the techniques we needed to use for our snowman pictures. Then we worked on finishing them up.
- In math, the grade 4's looked at patterns when multiplying by 1s, 10s and 100s. We would add zeros to the answers. The grade 3's played square capture. Then we learned about the equal group strategy to multiply.
- During journals, we started to write our journal about our winter break. The grade 4's need to have 23 sentences while the grade 3's must write 15. Our first paragraph had to introduce what we did using who, what, when, where and why.
- In Music we started drumming. We had to learn the four drum signals and copy four beats.
- We continued learning basketball. We practiced our shooting technique by targeting hoops in the gym and shooting the basketball into them. Each hoop was different points.
- Read 20 min
- Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- be dressed to be outside
- Word work activities due January 16 (next Thursday)
- Fun lunch next Thursday
What did we do today?
- In social studies, we watched two videos about whether the oil sands are good or bad. Then we used all the information we learned to make our own opinion about the oil sands. It was about half and half with a few students on the fence about them.
- In gym, we continued with our basketball dribbling and passing drills. We also played a game of pig in the middle where we had to pass the ball while keeping it away from the person in the middle.
- We went on IRIS during computer lab and looked back at our learning goals from October. We decided whether we achieved them and why, and we edited our goals.
- In Daily 5, Mrs. Polski was our sub because Ms. Jones was starting report cards. We had a ketchup time to finish work. If we finished early we got to pick a pickle activity, such as Raz-Kids or square capture.
- Today in The Wild Robot, Brightbill learned how to fly and they spent their summers hanging out in trees and listening to Roz tell stories.
- Read 20 min
- Word work activities due January 16 (next Thursday)
- Fun lunch next Thursday
What did we do today?
- In music, we listened to the song that goes with the book Mr. O'Reilly read us on Monday. We then did a Venn Diagram comparing the two characters in the book. We then had to record a question to be discussed next class.
- In gym, we continued with basketball drills. We started with dribbling practice before learning two passes: the bounce pass and the chest pass.
- During journals, we finished our organizers about what we did during our winter break. For each topic, we had to add at least three-four details about each one. After, we used COPS to edit our work.
- In math, the grade 3's solved some multiplication problems using a strategy we liked. The Grade 4's finished our text work the show our understanding of the doubling/ halving strategy to multiply. We also did Mathletics for computers.
- In social, we re-watched the video we saw yesterday about the oil sands. We learned about in-situ and how this practice will be better than mining. Ask me for the answer. :)
- Read 20 min
- Word work activities due January 16 (next Thursday)
What did we do today?
- In gym, we worked on our dribbling skills. After showing Ms. Jones our basketball tricks, we dribbled around the gym playing dribble keep away, where we would knock each others basketball away. After that we played shark.
- During computer lab, we worked on Dance Mat typing.
- In social studies, we talked more about the oil sands, particularly the tailing ponds. We watched a video about the oil sands and how they are minimizing the life spans of the tailing ponds.
- In word work, we went back into our groups and were given specific words to practice with for the next two weeks.
- In math, we continued to practice our skip counting skills through given questions. The grade 4's talked about the doubling strategy while the grade 3's learned about repeated addition.
- Read 20 min
- Library tomorrow- bring books for return/ renewal
What did we do today?
- In journals, we are thinking about what to write about our winter break. Ms. Jones had us draw a dresser in our books to help us organize our ideas and details into drawers.
- In art, we started an art project based on a book called Snowmen at Night. We watched a video showing how to do this using chalk and Ms. Jones had us pay attention to where the light was being shown , as well as shadows.
- In gym, we started our basketball unit. We practiced our ball handling/ tricks and dribbling skills using volleyballs and rubber dodgeballs since the basketballs were not ready to use (really deflated!).
- In music, Mr. O'Reilly read us a book called Hiawatha and the Peacemaker. We also went around sharing a story about our winter break using a talking stick.
- During computer lab, we did Mathletics and Ms. Cowdy assigned us multiplication strategies.
- In math, we started with skip counting and a game of Sparkle. This is a way to figure out multiplication problems. The grade 4's worked on review, while the grade 3's used skip counting to solve given questions with their whiteboards.