- Read 20 min
- Save the date: Face-to-Face Conferences will take place this Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23, 2018. Please book an appointment asap, Friday times still available.
- Library tomorrow- bring your books
- Book orders due Wednesday
What did we do today?
- In art, we watched a video from the youTube channel Art Hub for Kids on how to draw a boy or girl as a cartoon. Ms. Jones also read us a book called What if You Had Animal Ears to give us ideas for our science project.
- During journals, we thought about what the best part of us was, based on a black and white photograph book. We will be taking a picture and writing our opinion about it. We started to brainstorm reasons why a certain part would be special.
- In music, we worked on our CBC music project.
- In gym, we started using the traverse wall. We went over the safety rules before trying the wall with a spotter.
- Today in computer lab we partnered up with a buddy and we worked on our social research of a provincial or national park in Alberta.
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