- Read 20 min
- Save the date: Face-to-Face Conferences will take place Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23, 2018. You will be able to book your 15-minute conference starting tomorrow, November 17, 2018 at 6 am online via your My CBE / PowerSchool Account.
- Book orders due November 21
What did we do today?
- We played two listening games for Fresh Air Friday. We played a mystery noise game where we collected items from outside to make a noise. We then had three guesses to determine what made those noises. Objects used included: sticks, newspaper, rocks, grass, pine cones and bark.
- We also played a game like Marco Polo, but we called it Dr Coffin. The person who was it would call, "Dr" while the class called, "Coffin" and they would have to find and tag a person.
- In science, we finished our plasticine ear models while Ms. Jones began to read us the book The Wild Robot.
- We had our spelling test this morning and we did the school wide big pick up.
- We won the Souper Can award for bringing in the most food for the food drive.
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