- Read 20 min
- Calgary Food Bank Food Drive has started. Food donations collection has been extended to tomorrow. We are currently in first place and want to stay that way!
- Spelling words for this week have been sent home- quiz tomorrow.
- Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- please dress for the weather, it is supposed to snow tomorrow.
- Save the date: Face-to-Face Conferences will take place Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23, 2018. You will be able to book your 15-minute conference starting on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 6 am online via your My CBE / PowerSchool Account.
- Book orders due November 21
What did we do today?
- In gym, we had our last day of tennis. We played mini games using the nets.
- We had little buddies! We helped them finish their buddies name letter activity.
- In science, we started to make models of the ears using plasticine. We had to use different colours to show all the different parts of the outer, middle and inner ears.
- During math, we started looking at equations with missing numbers, which Ms. Jones called beginner algebra. Then we practiced with some questions and if we finished early played some addition math games.
- Today in Daily 5, we had to finish our WOW journal about the Olympic bid. We had to COPS our work and identify all our sentence starters. Ms. Jones gave us some sentence starter ideas for opinion writing for us to use.
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