- Read 20 min
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- Save the dates: February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
- In math, we had a multiplication quiz. The grade 3's had one digit by one digit questions while the grade 4's did two digit by one digit and three digit by one digit questions. We will have them back tomorrow.
- In science, we kept working on our instruments or added to them. We also worked on finishing our experiment booklets as we are starting presentations next week. For our conclusion, we had to include the words: pitch, frequency, vibration and variable.
- There was a science fair in the gym today! We got to look at different experiments such as where the most bacteria is, an informative trifold about black holes, how much water does a plant need, does talking nice to plants help them grow, which chocolate is better, and buoyant boats.
- We did a Winter Walk outside. We did part of the Terry Fox route before turning into the Whispering Woods. We all clocked 30 minutes outside which means we all did 930 minutes!
- We did Ninja Math again in computer lab.
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