- Read 20 min
- Please make sure your child is coming to school dressed for weather
- Bring trampoline socks or dance shoes for gym if wanted
- Spelling test and word work due Wednesday
- Valentine's exchange Wednesday, list sent home
- Spirit day Wednesday-Unicorn Day!
- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (2-3 volunteers required- afternoon only)
- No school Thursday and Friday this week, no school Family Day
- In gym, we did gymnastics, but this time we have equipment. There were benches, ladders and mats. On the ladder, our bodies had to always face the same direction. We had to do different movements and balances on the four stations set up.
- In music, we went over the four types of energy needed to make an instrument work, which are pluck, struck, air and electric. We then started to play the ukelele, which will be the instrument we will be learning the next little while.
- In science, we had our first day of instrument presentations. We shared our instruments and explained how it changes pitch. Ms. Jones put four words on the board to help us with what we needed to say.
- In art, we completed our array cities. We had to finish our buildings, putting the material on the frame and decorating a sky. These will be put up for our upcoming math night February 21, 2019.
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