- Read 20 minutes
- Finish Work on Writing #14 about bullying - each of the 4 questions should have 5 sentences in response.
- If you want to, you may select an animal for the Social Studies project we discussed this week. The list of animals is below, but you can also pick a different animal from the Royal Tyrell Museum website if you prefer. You do NOT have to start working on the project. We will have lots more dedicated class time over the next couple weeks.
- Tomorrow (Friday, March 1) there is no school for students - enjoy the long weekend!
What we did today:
- In Math, the Grade 3s started by finishing their textbook work and then our student teacher Ms. Maybuck taught us how to play a game using arrays to understand multiplication and division problems
- In Computer lab, Ms. Maybuck read us a story about one grain of sand and it was about how everybody is unique and different. Then we had to write 3-5 sentences about the book
- In gym we played dodgeball again - student favourite!
- We did our Science test AND our Spelling test today
- In Daily 5 we worked on WOW #14 and if we didn't finish it we will be bringing it home for the weekend
- We did the Big Pick Up today because we have no school tomorrow
- Today we read a few chapters of The Wild Robot Escapes
- Mrs. Jones will be back with us on Monday, but we will miss Ms. Brunsch SOOOOOOOO much!
- Read 20 minutes
- STUDY FOR THE SCIENCE TEST TOMORROW!!! Use notes, study guide, and the practice test we did today
- Spelling Test tomorrow
What we did today:
- We had a Coffin Cares assembly this morning for Pink Shirt Day
- In Social Studies we are going to start a project on the Royal Tyrell Museum and a specific dinosaur or animal
- In music we started learning our specific cover songs
- We had library today
- We did Ninja Math today in Technology
- We had a practice test for Science today
- In gym we played dodgeball
- Read 20 minutes
- Pink Shirt Day tomorrow!
- Study for the science test on Thursday
- Spelling test is on Thursday
- No school on Friday
What we did today:
- Today after handwriting we did Clay for Kids and we made bubble bowls
- In Math the Grade 4s started learning long division and Ms. Brunsch taught us the strategy that Dad Divides, Mom Multiplies, Sister Subtracts, Brother Brings Down, Rover Repeats to help us remember the steps
- In Technology we did Raz Kids
- In Gym we did Caterpillar races with hula hoops to practice our cooperative game skills
- In Daily 5 we did our Word Work because we have our Spelling Test early this week (on Thursday!)
- Read 20 minutes
- Room 4 is in charge of Treat Day tomorrow!
- Start studying for Science test on Thursday (study guide and science duo-tang should be brought home)
- Clay for Kids tomorrow afternoon
- Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday - wear a pink shirt if you have one
- Supervision tax forms were sent home today, if applicable
- The spelling test will be on Thursday this week because there is no school on Friday
What we did today:
- We had the best substitute teacher of all time!! (Ms. Brunsch will be with us all week this week)
- We talked about Pink Shirt Day and how Travis started it to help stop bullying. We started writing about our own experiences with bullying in preparation for Pink Shirt Day.
- In music, we got to choose a song to play on ukulele with a partner which we will videotape ourselves playing once we've learned it.
- In PE we played dodgeball
- During Art we started colouring posters against bullying which we will put up on around the school
- Today in Math, we finished our textbook questions and then got to play different math games
- Read 20 minutes
- Practice Spelling Words
- We Are Hosting Treat Day on Tuesday
What we did today:
- We had a substitute teacher again today
- We did our Big Pick Up today
- Word work, working on our word sorts
- Fresh Air Friday today - We did work in our FAF journals
- We did a quick draw activity to get us comfortable with drawing, ask me about the three different techniques of sketching that we did.
- We went outside and had to do a eye view of something and an overhead view. We had to record what we saw, what we heard, the weather, the time, the location and the temperature.
- Read 20 minutes
- Math Night tonight, 6-7pm
- Fresh Air Friday tomorrow, please dress for the weather.
What we did today:
- We had a substitute teacher!
- In gym, we did gymnastics
- In math, we are working on division.
- Today we did our Fused Glass Art with Clay for Kids! When it is done we will hang them on the fence in the school yard.
- In computer lab we did Ninja Math and Kakooma, we will tell you all about this tonight.
- In Daily Five most of us worked on our writing and finished our Social Studies Paleontology sheet.
- Read 20 minutes
- Tomorrow is fun lunch
- Glass-fused yard art tomorrow
What we did today:
- We had a substitute teacher!
- In gym, we started gymnastics using the climbers.
- In math, we played a new game called Salute using playing cards that we stuck on our heads. The general had to figure out the product of the cards and we had to use our Math skills to figure out which card was on our own head.
- In spelling we had to do a quick-spell.
- In social we learned about paleontology and a special paleontologist named Phil Currie who lives and works in Alberta.
- In computer lab we did Raz Kids
- Read 20 min
- Please make sure your child is coming to school dressed for weather
- Bring trampoline socks or dance shoes for gym if wanted
- Math homework: grade 3 p. 285-286 #1-7; grade 4 p. 111-112 #1-5, 7-12 and p. 303-304 #1-7, 9
- Word work tasks overdue :( Please have them done by Tuesday.
- No school Thursday and Friday this week, no school Family Day
What did we do today?
- In music, we started using ukeleles. First we had to take our ukeleles out and tune them. Mr. O'Reilly taught us how to play Happy Birthday.
- In math, we finished our array art and the questions given to us out of the textbook. If we finished early, we were given division games to play with a partner.
- In social/science, we watched two videos about the atalatl, which we saw yesterday. He showed us how they would use one to hunt and to fish. We also finished our presentations of our instruments.
- In spelling, we had our spelling tests. We also had a catch up time during computer lab to finish work.

- Read 20 min
- Please make sure your child is coming to school dressed for weather
- Bring trampoline socks or dance shoes for gym if wanted
- Spelling test and word work due Wednesday
- Valentine's exchange Wednesday, list sent home
- Spirit day Wednesday-Unicorn Day!
- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (2-3 volunteers required- afternoon only)
- No school Thursday and Friday this week, no school Family Day
What did we do today?
- In gym, we did gymnastics, but this time we have equipment. There were benches, ladders and mats. On the ladder, our bodies had to always face the same direction. We had to do different movements and balances on the four stations set up.
- In music, we went over the four types of energy needed to make an instrument work, which are pluck, struck, air and electric. We then started to play the ukelele, which will be the instrument we will be learning the next little while.
- In science, we had our first day of instrument presentations. We shared our instruments and explained how it changes pitch. Ms. Jones put four words on the board to help us with what we needed to say.
- In art, we completed our array cities. We had to finish our buildings, putting the material on the frame and decorating a sky. These will be put up for our upcoming math night February 21, 2019.
- Read 20 min
- Please make sure your child is coming to school dressed for weather
- No school Thursday and Friday next week
- Spirit day next Wednesday-Unicorn Day!
- Please sign and return envelope to the teacher
- Save the dates: February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (2-3 volunteers required- afternoon only)
What did we do today?
- We went outside with Mrs. Polski. She showed us a game called Fox and Geese. We made a circle in the snow and then divided it into eighths. One student started as a fox, and the rest of us had to run on the paths made to escape the fox.
- In science, it was our last day to finish our instrument booklets. If we were finished, we worked on being ethnobotanists. We would look up plants that would cure given symptoms and sketch them into our charts.
- We had a word work class today where we went over our word sorts and got our spelling words to study for next Wednesday.
- We listened to Ms. Jones read us more from The Wild Robot Escapes. Roz is now farming at Hilltop Farms. She saw a group of geese and asked about Brightbill. She is trying to figure out a way to escape the farm and get back to the island.

- Read 20 min
- Please sign and return envelope to the teacher
- Save the dates: February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
What did we do today?
- In math, we had a multiplication quiz. The grade 3's had one digit by one digit questions while the grade 4's did two digit by one digit and three digit by one digit questions. We will have them back tomorrow.
- In science, we kept working on our instruments or added to them. We also worked on finishing our experiment booklets as we are starting presentations next week. For our conclusion, we had to include the words: pitch, frequency, vibration and variable.
- There was a science fair in the gym today! We got to look at different experiments such as where the most bacteria is, an informative trifold about black holes, how much water does a plant need, does talking nice to plants help them grow, which chocolate is better, and buoyant boats.
- We did a Winter Walk outside. We did part of the Terry Fox route before turning into the Whispering Woods. We all clocked 30 minutes outside which means we all did 930 minutes!
- We did Ninja Math again in computer lab.
- Read 20 min
- Please sign and return envelope to the teacher
- Field trip tomorrow to National Music Center- bring bagged lunch
- Save the dates: February 12, 2019- In-class field trip from the Glenbow Ranch (3-4 volunteers required- half day only)
What did we do today?
- In social studies, we started learning about dinosaurs. We highlighted important information and we filled a chart with what we knew and what we want to know. We watched two videos, the first one was about the first person to discover dinosaurs (Joseph Tyrell) and the other video was about Dinosaur Provincial Park.
- In gym, we started gymnastic. We played music mats where Ms. Jones would tell us a movement to do around the mats until she said "presto" where we would go to a mat. Then we did centers where there were two cards, one balance and one movement activity.
- In music, we had a music quiz! We had to add how many beats were in each note. Then Mr. O'Reilly gave us a beat and we finish the quiz.
- In math, Ms. Jones started to teach us division. She did a review/ introduction to division to the grade 3's and 4's. The grade 4's worked on a review while the grade 3's started division using equal groups.
- In library, Mrs. Kidd showed us some alternative books to those which are really popular. Some of us picked her choices to try them out.
- Report cards need to be returned
- Reminder: Field trip to National Music Centre February 6, 2019. Please bring in permission forms, if you haven't already.
What did we do today?
- This morning, we worked on math. Grade threes and fours both had to work on creating multiplication word problems. We had to create them, solve them and create an answer sentence. We played Snap To it and Snappy Products, which were games where we had to race to multiply three digit by one digit numbers or two digit by one digit numbers.
- In Art, we continued to work on our array cities. Most of us moved onto cutting out fabrics squares to fill the border. The third step will be to create a realistic person, perhaps a superhero or a fairy, and to place them above our buildings.
- Today in Language Arts, we had to respond to The Wild Robot book that we just completed. We discussed what persuasive writing is. We had to persuade our reader about whether they should read The Wild Robot or not.
- In journals, we wrote about Teddy Anderson and finished up our responses about our performances last week.
- Today in computer lab, we worked on Raz Kids.
- Today in gym, we played a game of dodgeball with two different teams. We played Dr. Dodgeball, as well.