Important Info:
No school Monday- Remembrance Day
Science test sent home today
Science test sent home today
Swimming next Wednesday- remember your swimsuit, flip flops, goggles, towel and an extra snack. Be dressed for the weather!
Food Bank donations will be collected until Wednesday- we need to bring donations in!
Fun lunch orders through due tonight if you want a pizza fun lunch next Thursday
Save the date: Parent conferences November 21 and 22
What did we do this week?
- In social studies, we watched a video about Calgary during the 1930's and during World War II. It went from a time of boom to a time of bust. When WWII happened, Calgary became busier and the repair shops turned into places to make ammunition. We also learned that Brentwood became a community in 1960.
- At journals today, we finished writing our answers to chosen questions such as, "What does it mean to be brave?" We reflected on why we remember the ones that we have lost. We also created a coloured picture that represented the importance of Remembrance Day.
- Today we had an assembly for Remembrance Day. People in brownies, beavers, girl guides and cubs took a flower and wreath to the Canadian flag. We also had a moment of silence and couple of students sang songs and wrote a poem. The portable students read In Flanders Field.
- This week we learned how to use groups of 100's, 10's and 1's to figure out a number. If you put the groups together, you create a number in the hundreds, or thousands for grade 4.
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