Friday, November 29, 2019

November 29, 2019- Zippy (and Tinsel) zipping down the zipline!

Important Info:

We will continue to practice soft entry, which will start the first Monday of December.  
Journal due Monday- If you received the first gift of Christmas, what would you ask for.  (Grade 3's need to write 9-11 sentences, Grade 4's need to write 12-15) 
Look for Tinsel on Monday!
Book orders due next Thursday
Hoodie / t-shirt order forms due next week

Save the date: Author visit December 4th
                      Field trip to Glenbow December 9th

What did we learn today?
  • In language arts, we have been learning about similes and metaphors.  We know that similes have "like" or "as" in them, but metaphors need just a comparison.  We watched a funny video by the Bazillions to explain it.
  • Today for Fresh Air Friday, we did not go outside because it was too cold.  So we did an activity where we made a zipline for an elf on the shelf.  Then we tested them with a crayon stuffie.
  • For social studies, we watched a video about Calgary between 1961-1980.  Then we got into groups and were given a question about our community to brainstorm answers about, such as,"Where do people go in our community to feel good?" and "Why do people live in Brentwood?"
  • Yesterday in gym we did hockey again.  We played dribble keep away where three people tried to keep the puck away from the one defender.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26, 2019- Pj party

Important Info:

We will continue to practice soft entry, which will start the first Monday of December.   
Fresh Air Friday this Friday- dress for the weather

Save the date: Author visit December 4th
                      Field trip to Glenbow December 9th

What did we learn today?
  • In science, we did an experiment with Starbursts, which represented the rock cycle.  We compressed, cemented, added heat and pressure to the Starbursts, making them different shapes and textures.  We put one in the microwave for 1 minute and it came out as Starburst oil.  It even had bubbles like igneous rocks! 
  • In language arts, we learned about similes and metaphors.  We watched a video then we sorted similes and metaphors from the story The Polar Express.
  • In math, we learned to compare and order numbers in grade 3 and how to sort numbers into Venn Diagrams in grade 4.
  • Today in gym, we did hockey.  We practiced our dribbling.  Then we got into buddies and did passing.

Friday, November 22, 2019

November 21, 2019- Face off!

Important Info:

We will continue to practice soft entry, which will start the first Monday of December.   
Parent conferences tonight and tomorrow
No school tomorrow
Save the date: PJ day November 26th (Tuesday)
Swimming certificates sent home

What did we learn today?

  • In math we continued to work on daily math word problems and we finished up questions about showing and comparing numbers using place value.
  • In social studies, we have been watching a series of videos on how Calgary developed over the years.  The last one we watched and discussed was called "It came from North Hill Mall."  The host thought it was scary, so he let out a blood-curdling scream. Haha! (J.M. on the blog)
  • On Thursday, we started hockey in gym.  We dribbled the ball with our sticks to control the it.
  • In science we learned about how rocks are formed by lava and how sedimentary rocks can turn into metamorphic rocks.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019- Limestone or sandstone?

Important Info:

We will be practicing the next two weeks for our soft entry, which will start the first Monday of December.   
Wear Dr. Coffin shirt tomorrow for CBC Music Project filming
Parent conferences Thursday and Friday
No school Friday
Save the date: PJ day November 26th

What did we learn today?

  • In math this week, we did a basic fact quiz and we learned how to show numbers in different ways.  The grade 4's have beem comparing numbers into the thousands.
  • In science, we examined the three types of rocks, which are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.  We looked at the rocks carefully to determine what what they are, and recorded their properties in our rock books.  We will continue to do this unit for a while.  Thank you for reading!  (J.M. on the blog)
  • Today in music we had our dress rehearsal with rooms 5, 6 and 7.  Tomorrow we will be doing he filming to send to CBC. (A.E)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 12, 2019- Rocks rock!

Important Info:

Last swimming class tomorrow- remember your swimsuit, flip flops, goggles, towel and an extra snack. Be dressed for the weather!
Food Bank donations will be collected until tomorrow- we need to bring donations in!
School council tonight at 7:00pm
Fun lunch this Thursday
Author coming in to visit this Thursday
Parent conference appointments open to book online this Saturday
Save the date: Parent conferences November 21 and 22

What did we learn today?

  • In language arts we were given our next journal entry, which was," If you were an animal, what would you be and how would you act, look like and move like?"  It could be any animal, including some pre-historic ones.  Then we worked in buddies to come up with a word bank to help us write more descriptively.
  • After our word problems, we learned about how we can make numbers between 100-1000 using base ten blocks and a place value chart.  The grade 4's are working with numbers into the thousands.
  • We had science today.  We have a new topic called rocks and minerals.  We watched a Bill Nye video to start the unit off and to get us interested.

Friday, November 8, 2019

November 8, 2019- We remember...

Important Info:

No school Monday- Remembrance Day
Science test sent home today
Swimming next Wednesday- remember your swimsuit, flip flops, goggles, towel and an extra snack. Be dressed for the weather!
Food Bank donations will be collected until Wednesday- we need to bring donations in!
Fun lunch orders through due tonight if you want a pizza fun lunch next Thursday
Save the date: Parent conferences November 21 and 22

What did we do this week?
  • In social studies, we watched a video about Calgary during the 1930's and during World War II.  It went from a time of boom to a time of bust.  When WWII happened, Calgary became busier and the repair shops turned into places to make ammunition.  We also learned that Brentwood became a community in 1960.
  • At journals today, we finished writing our answers to chosen questions such as, "What does it mean to be brave?"  We reflected on why we remember the ones that we have lost.  We also created a coloured picture that represented the importance of Remembrance Day.
  • Today we had an assembly for Remembrance Day.  People in brownies, beavers, girl guides and cubs took a flower and wreath to the Canadian flag.  We also had a moment of silence and couple of students sang songs and wrote a poem.  The portable students read In Flanders Field.
  • This week we learned how to use groups of 100's, 10's and 1's to figure out a number.  If you put the groups together, you create a number in the hundreds, or thousands for grade 4.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 5, 2019- Poppy art

Important Info:

Swimming next Wednesday- remember your swimsuit, flip flops, goggles, towel and an extra snack. Be dressed for the weather!
Retakes will be taken November 7th (Thursday)
Food Bank donations will be collected starting Monday until Wednesday next week- we need to bring donations in!
Remembrance Day assembly Friday at 10:45 am.  If you are in girl guides or boy scouts/cubs, wear your uniform.
Bring 25¢ for poppy donation Friday
Fun lunch orders through due Friday if you want a pizza fun lunch next Thursday

What did we do this week?
  • Today in art we made poppies.  For the first poppy, we painted a petal and for the details we used our fat sharpies and oil pastels.  For the second poppy we painted the background and cut out a poem, which we glued on and decorated.
  • In math we did fall math word problems for our math stretch.  Fall math is when the teacher gives you two questions.  The grade 4's have different questions than the grade 3's.
  • In language arts, we have been journaling about Remembrance Day.  Ms. Jones read us a story called the Eleventh Hour, then we answered a question about Remembrance Day using words such as brave and sacrifice.
  • We learned a new math game yesterday called I love math for multiplication and addition.  It is kind of like rock, paper, scissors where each player puts out a number using their fingers.  The first person to add or multiply the two numbers together is the winner.