- read 20 min
- Author visit tomorrow morning
- Order fun lunch online- fun lunch is next Tuesday
- bring in a t-shirt you don't wear anymore for Friday
- Book orders-due this Friday
- Mark your calendars: Fun Lunch October 16, 2018
- Picture day October 17, 2018
- Literacy night October 18, 2018
What did we do today?
- In music, we started sharing our slides and posters about the instrument we researched.
- In social, Ms. Jones assigned us a region in Alberta for us to learn about and make jot notes on climate, landforms, wildlife and the plants found there.
- During computer lab, we had to sign in onto our Raz Kids accounts, read a book and complete a quiz. Ms. Cowdy suggested to read one book and do the quiz a week.
- In gym, we played keep away again, focusing on controlling the ball in small spaces and passing.
- We had more time to work on our journals about what we found in the garbage.
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