Read 30 min
Swimming tomorrow- please bring your swimsuit, towel, goggles, flip flops, water bottle and extra snacks. We leave at 9:00am.
Choose the book you are going to review for our book picnic
Homework: practice multiplication facts, finish science title page, choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz next week. Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. Work on music write up if you are behind.
Homework: practice multiplication facts, finish science title page, choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz next week. Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. Work on music write up if you are behind.
Guided reading homework:
- purple- Chapter 4 due tomorrow
- blue- Chapter 6 task due June 6
- green- Chapter 7-9 task due June 7
- orange- synthesizer activity due June 6
- red- synthesizer activity due tomorrow
What did we do today?
- We had swimming first thing this morning.
- After swimming in math, it was our last day for building our city and food trucks. If we finished, we did a self-assessment, wrote 5 quiz questions about our city and went on Mathletics.
- In science, Ms. Cowdy and Ms. Jones introduced our next project, which is to build a device that moves, without using us as a force. We got time to look up ideas and write down the materials we need.
- After lunch, we watched three more videos for our Alberta Tomorrow jot notes. They were about human population, water quality and greenhouse gases.
- Today in music, most of us finished writing our emotion write up for our Garageband task.
- At the end of the day in Daily 5, we had time to research devices for science, worked on our guided reading tasks and we could start our book review.
- What type of device will travel the fastest?
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