Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017- The teacher has homework

Read 30 min
Swimming tomorrow- please bring your swimsuit, towel, goggles, flip flops, water bottle and extra snacks.  We leave at 9:00am.
Choose the book you are going to review for our book picnic

Homework: practice multiplication facts, finish science title page, choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz next week.  Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. Work on music write up if you are behind.
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 4 due tomorrow
  • blue- Chapter 6 task due June 6
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due June 7
  • orange- synthesizer activity due June 6
  • red- synthesizer activity due tomorrow

What did we do today?
  • We had swimming first thing this morning.
  • After swimming in math, it was our last day for building our city and food trucks.  If we finished, we did a self-assessment, wrote 5 quiz questions about our city and went on Mathletics.
  • In science, Ms. Cowdy and Ms. Jones introduced our next project, which is to build a device that moves, without using us as a force.  We got time to look up ideas and write down the materials we need.
  • After lunch, we watched three more videos for our Alberta Tomorrow jot notes.  They were about human population, water quality and greenhouse gases.
  • Today in music, most of us finished writing our emotion write up for our Garageband task.
  • At the end of the day in Daily 5, we had time to research devices for science, worked on our guided reading tasks and we could start our book review.
  1. What type of device will travel the fastest?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017- MOO-gami!

Read 30 min
Swimming tomorrow- please bring your swimsuit, towel, goggles, flip flops, water bottle and extra snacks.  We leave at 9:00am.
Choose the book you are going to review for our book picnic

Homework: practice multiplication facts
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 4 due tomorrow
  • blue- Chapter 6 task due June 6
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due tomorrow
  • orange- synthesizer activity due June 6
  • red- synthesizer activity due Thursday
What did we do today?
  • We had swimming first thing this morning.
  • After swimming in math, we were allowed to work on our shape artwork before building our city and food trucks.  We have one more day to finish.
  • In health, we started by playing our Moo-gami game.  One fact we learned was explorers used watermelon to help carry water.  We will use what we learned from the game to improve our meal plans next week.
  • After lunch, for Daily 5, we had time to work on our word work, work on writing or guided reading.  We also were able to finish our social timeline picture.
  • Ms. Jones introduced the book picnic we will be having the week of June 12.  We have to write a review of a book and make an object to share at the picnic.
  • At the end of the day in social studies, we watched two videos to prepare us for the Alberta Tomorrow presentation we have next week.  One was about mammal habitat and the other was about fish habitat.  Both videos talked about how human impact can effect the environment.
  1. What other species of animals are we affecting other than the woodland caribou, fish and the grizzly bear?

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017- The Tide of Teaching, learning in the water

Read 30 min
Swimming everyday next week- please bring your swimsuit, towel, goggles, flip flops, water bottle and extra snacks.  We leave at 9:00am.
**We have noticed an increase of fidget spinners being brought into class, and unfortunately two have gone missing.  I encourage students to keep these at home if they are a valued object.  If it is a tool to help them learn, I encourage students to not show their friends and instead use them as needed during class instruction.**

Homework: practice multiplication facts
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 5 task due May 30
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due May 31
  • orange- Chapter 7 due May 30
  • red- synthesizer activity due May 31
What did we do today?
  • We had our first swimming lesson today at the pool.
  • Ms. Jones read us a couple of chapters from Wonder and showed us the movie trailer for the movie that comes out in November. Via feels awful that she doesn't want to invite her family to the school play and Auggie got hearing aids.  The students are also not making fun of him anymore and are finding he is quite funny.
  • At the end of the day in math, we worked on our geometricity districts and food trucks.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017- Amazing Sesquicentenial Show

Read 30 min
Swimming starts tomorrow- please bring your swimsuit, towel, goggles, flip flops, water bottle and extra snacks.  We leave at 9:00am.

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery due tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 5 task due May 30
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due May 31
  • orange- Chapter 7 due May 30
  • red- synthesizer activity due May 31
What did we do today?
  • In math, we were allowed to work on our shape artwork before building our city and food trucks.
  • In gym, we had four choices outside.  We could play kickball, four square, basketball and soccer.
  • After recess, the grade 1/2s had an assembly.  It was about Canada's 150th birthday and what they needed to have a party for it.  They collected games and food from Iqualiut, music and dancing and lobster from the east coast, maple syrup from Quebec and ingredients to make a cake from the prairies.
  • After lunch, for Daily 5, we had time to catch up on our work in science and art.  We also could work on our word work, work on writing or guided reading.
  • At the end of the day in social studies, Ms. Cowdy talked about the effects the three treaties had on the First Nations people.  She talked about how children were taken to residential schools and they had to live in a way that was not of their traditional ways.
1. What other names did the settlers call First Nations? Would they have liked it if they had to live under the treaty laws the First Nations did?
2. When did the kids from residential schools get to see their parents?
3. If we had the same celebration they had for Canada's 150th birthday as the assembly, what would it be like?
4. What would Canada be like if the settlers never came to Canada?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18, 2017- Another banquet of brag tags

Read 30 min
No school tomorrow or next Monday
Wear green shirts for volunteer tea next Wednesday

Homework: practice multiplication facts
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 5 task due May 24
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due May 25
  • orange- Chapter 6 due May 23
  • red- Chapters 16-18 due May 24
What did we do today?
  • In math, we continued to design their given city districts, making sure that we have roads that will attach to each other and that our buildings have certain shapes and angles. Group C continued to design the interior/ exterior of their food trucks.
  • In gym, we did centers outside that focused on our putting, chipping and driving skills.
  • After recess Ms. Jones read us Wonder.  We met Via's boyfriend and learned from his point of view how close Auggie's family is.
  • In music, we practiced our Volunteer Tea song.  Then we did some sharing.
  • After lunch, for Daily 5, we had time to work on our writing tasks, had 20 minutes of reading time and worked on our new guided reading tasks.
  • We got lots of time this afternoon to finish our last science center and to catch up on the ones we have to finish.  Ms. Jones told us to star our two best, as she will be looking at those to mark.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017- Trains for kids....I like trains!

Read 30 min
No school Friday or next Monday
Clay For Kids trains go home today

Each homeroom requires female and male volunteers for our swimming program that runs May 26 through to June 2.  Please contact me or our room parent (Marla Clarke) if you are able to help out.

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #25 due tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 4 task due May 17
  • green- Chapter 5-7 task due tomorrow
  • orange- Chapter 6 due May 23
  • red- Chapters 13-15 due May 17
What did we do today?
  • In math, we continued to design their given city districts, making sure that we have roads that will attach to each other and that our buildings have certain shapes and angles. Group C continued to design the interior/ exterior of their food trucks.
  • Since it was raining outside, we made our own mini-golf course and got to go to each hole using our putting skills.
  • After recess in science, if we hadn't finished our rubrics for station five we did that first. Then we started station six, which is our last science center for this unit.
  • After lunch, for Work on Writing, we started to make cards for the Volunteer Tea.  We brainstormed ideas of all the things and events volunteers do and help us with to make our school the best it can be.
  • In music, we practiced our Volunteer Tea song.  Then we got to play an acting game.
  • At the end of the day in Daily 5, we had to work on our Daily 5 tasks.  Most of us worked on our guided reading tasks.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017- Spud Lamp

Read 30 min
No school Friday or next Monday

Each homeroom requires female and male volunteers for our swimming program that runs May 26 through to June 2.  Please contact me or our room parent (Marla Clarke) if you are able to help out.

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #25 due Thursday, Geometricity permits due tomorrow 
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 4 task due May 17
  • green- Chapter 5-7 task due May 18
  • orange- Chapter 6 due May 23
  • red- Chapters 13-15 due May 17
What did we do today?
  • A handful of students went to Mount Royal University with Destination Conservation.  We did two stations: one about Alberta in the future, and how we can protect nature.  We learned about different trees and how the ecosystem can be effected if these trees become endangered.  In the afternoon, we did a gallery and we exchanged awards with other schools.
  • In math, we worked on our permits.  If we were done, we got a district of the city to design. Group C has started to design the interior of their food trucks.
  • In gym, we continued our golf unit by learning how to chip.  We tried chipping the golf ball into a white hoop and we also practiced chipping using a chipping range.
  • After recess in language arts, Ms. Jones read Wonder.  Julian has spread a rumour about Jack and therefore none of the boys in their grade will speak to him. 
  • We went to the Recycle Your Read Book Fair to buy books.
  • After lunch, in daily 5 we finished our word work from yesterday, finished our writing assignment from last week, worked on our guided reading tasks and finished painting our shape art.
  • At the end of the day in science, we had catch up time to finish our fifth center.  Ms. Jones gave out brag tags for each of the stations.

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017- FORE!

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read book fair tomorrow from 11:15-11:45am- please bring quarters to buy "new" books
Destination Conservation team at Mount Royal tomorrow
No school Friday or next Monday
Scrapbooking club tomorrow

Each homeroom requires female and male volunteers for our swimming program that runs May 26 through to June 2.  Please contact me or our room parent (Marla Clarke) if you are able to help out.

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #25 due Thursday, health food planner due tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 4 task due May 17
  • green- Chapter 5-7 task due May 18
  • orange- Chapter 5 due tomorrow
  • red- Chapters 13-15 due May 17
What did we do today?
  • In math, we had to work on our multiplication ninja skills if we had not yet met a number (4 times table for grade 3 and 8 times table for grade 4).  If we finished that we had to finish our building permits, food truck blueprints and wanted posters
  • In gym, we started our golf unit by practicing with a driving range.
  • After recess in science, we started our fifth simple machine center.  We have one more to do after this.
  • Before lunch in health, we continued planning healthy meals using proper portions.  This task is for homework if we didn't finish.
  • After lunch, in daily 5 we started a new word work.  Our secret word today was immigrants.  After we finished that we moved on to our guided reading tasks and reading to self.
  • At the end of the day in art, we finished painting our shape castles with water colour paints.
  1. What will we be doing next in science after our centers?-  We will use what we learned to create something that moves a distance.
  2. Are there any other types of golf clubs?

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017- Practicing how to be kinder to the Whispering Woods

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read Tuesday
Book order forms-due Monday

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #24 overdue, work on writing task of writing about the place you would go to overdue
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-Chapter 3 work overdue 
  • blue- Chapter 4 task due May 17
  • green- Chapter 5-7 task due May 18
  • orange- Chapter 5 due May 16
  • red- Chapters 13-15 due May 17
What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day, we had special visitors from grade 1/2.  They shared their research about human impact and how it has effected the Whispering Woods.
  • After the special visitors, we tested whether the pictures we took from last Friday were indeed symmetrical.  We used miras to see whether the reflections matched the pictures. We had to sketch each picture and record our findings using a chart in our Fresh Air Friday journals.
  • For our Fresh Air Friday activity, we went on a measurement scavenger hunt.  We had to find things in nature and were a certain measure.  We used mm, cm and m.  We had to sketch the items, making sure we made the drawing the same size as the measurement. We found a lady bug that was 5mm, a stick that was 20cm and a rock that was 5 cm.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

May 11, 2017- Rolling on a ramp catch up

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read Tuesday
Swimming forms- due tomorrow
Book order forms-due Monday

Plant sale is tomorrow.  Kindergarten families will be given an opportunity to buy our plants prior to other Dr. Coffin families. We're planning on setting up for our plant sale in the Kindergarten classroom. We will have tomato, cucumber,  zucchini, peppers, basil, and cilantro for sale. Prices will range from 2 to 15 dollars, CASH ONLY will be accepted. The proceeds from our sale will be used by the Kindergarten students (which we will vote on) and for funding our L.G.T. program.
Kindergarten families- 10:45-11:30am
Other families- 11:30am- 12:30pm 

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #24 overdue, work on writing task of writing about the place you would go to due tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-Chapter 3 work overdue 
  • blue- Chapter 4 task due May 17
  • green- Chapter 5-7 task due May 18
  • orange- Chapter 5 due May 16
  • red- Chapters 13-15 due May 17
What did we do today?
  • In math, we started brainstorming for our geometricity.  We had to work on a permit, while group C made blueprints for their food trucks.
  • In gym, we had free choice of four square, basketball, or playing on the playground since our grade 6 friends were busy writing their PAT.
  • Before lunch in music, we practiced our song for the volunteer tea May 24th.  We also played on the ukeleles.
  • This was our last day to work on our work on writing assignment.  Writing about which place we would go to is due tomorrow.
  • In language arts, we read more of Wonder.  Jack Will has become friends again with August. Jack also punched Julian after he said something mean about August.
  • At the end of the day in science, we had catch up time to work on any of the centers we have not completed.  If we were done, we were allowed to work on our title pages for the unit.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 10, 2017- Switcheroo

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Swimming forms- due Friday
Book order forms-due May 15th

Plant sale is Friday, May 12 at 10:45 AM. Kindergarten families will be given an opportunity to buy our plants prior to other Dr. Coffin families. We're planning on setting up for our plant sale in the Kindergarten classroom. We will have tomato, cucumber,  zucchini, peppers, basil, and cilantro for sale. Prices will range from 2 to 15 dollars, CASH ONLY will be accepted. The proceeds from our sale will be used by the Kindergarten students (which we will vote on) and for funding our L.G.T. program. 

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #24 due tomorrow, work on writing planner and first paragraph due tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-Chapter 3 work overdue 
  • blue- Chapter 4 task due May 17
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task overdue
  • orange- Chapter 5 due May 16
  • red- Chapters 13-15 due May 17
What did we do today?
  • In math, group C started their business plan for a food truck design, while group B worked to finish their posters and to start building their prism character.  Group A finished sorting objects.
  • In gym, we played Raiders of the Arc outside with Room 5.
  • After recess in science, we finished our fourth simple machine stations.  
  • Before lunch during Work on Writing, we had to finish our planner and first paragraph of where we would go.
  • After lunch, we read Wonder.  Jack Will realized why Auggie was mad at him through a memory in science.
  • In music, we learned a song for the volunteer tea.  Then we continued to write about our GarageBand song.
  • At the end of the day in Daily 5, we continue to work on our writing and guided reading tasks.
  1. How will Jack Will talk to August and his memory and to say he is sorry?
  2. Why did Jack Will say things about Auggie in the first place?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 9, 2017- Go get your shoe!

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Swimming forms- due Friday
Book order forms-due May 15th

Plant sale is Friday, May 12 at 10:45 AM. Kindergarten families will be given an opportunity to buy our plants prior to other Dr. Coffin families. We're planning on setting up for our plant sale in the Kindergarten classroom. We will have tomato, cucumber,  zucchini, peppers, basil, and cilantro for sale. Prices will range from 2 to 15 dollars, CASH ONLY will be accepted. The proceeds from our sale will be used by the Kindergarten students (which we will vote on) and for funding our L.G.T. program. 

Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #24 due Thursday
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-Chapter 3 work overdue 
  • blue- Chapter 2 & 3 task due tomorrow
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task overdue
  • orange- Chapter 5 due May 16
  • red- Chapters 10-13 due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • In math, group B worked on their wanted object posters, group C finished their cereal boxes and group A sorted 3D objects.
  • In gym, we played more parachute games.  This time, we played shoe shuffle, parachute tag, egg basket and shark attack.
  • After recess in science, we finished our third simple machine stations.  
  • In health, we were responsible for planning a whole day of healthy meals.  We have to make sure we have healthy servings from each food group.
  • During Daily 5, we started  our writing task about where we would go if we could go anywhere.  Ideas of what we would do are: go to a lemonade stand run by robots and try out spells at Hogwarts.  We also worked on our guided reading tasks.
  • At the end of the day in science, we started our fourth center.

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017- Where would you go?

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Swimming forms- due Friday
Book order forms-due May 15th
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #24 due Thursday
Guided reading homework:

  • purple-Chapter 3 due tomorrow
  • blue- Chapter 2 & 3 task due Wednesday
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task due tomorrow
  • orange- Chapter 4 due tomorrow
  • red- Chapters 10-13 due Wednesday
What did we do today?
  • In math, we worked on either our Multiplication Ninja skills or on our math projects for shape and measurement.
  • In gym, we played parachute games.  We played mushroom, sharks, cat and mouse and wrapping the present.
  • After recess in science, we started our third simple machine stations.  One thing we have learned is that an Archemides screw works like an incline plane.
  • In health, we talked more about the healthy food rainbow.  We discussed the servings we ate from each category yesterday and we made a goal for ourselves.
  • During Daily 5, we started planning our writing task about where we would go if we could go anywhere.  Some places discussed were: Australia, the ice age and the galaxy of Star Wars. We also worked on our guided reading tasks.
  • At the end of the day in art, we continued to draw the shapes for our castles.  Ms. Jones was hoping we could start painting today.

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017- The Symmetry Hunt

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16- please bring in books you would like to recycle
Homework: practice multiplication facts, Connections to the Land due Monday (social)
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 2 & 3 task due May 10
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task due May 9
  • orange- Chapter 4 due May 9
  • red- Chapters 10-13 due May 10
What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day in science, we had time to complete our second science center about simple machines.  We also marked ourselves in a group about what kind of worker we were during our first two centers.
  • After science, we got to look for and record symmetry in nature.  Before we went out, we watched a video showing us examples. We all had jobs, again. One of us was an observer who had to find the objects.  One of us was a recorder, who wrote the items down and the third person was the photographer.  We will be printing off the photos taken and test if they are actually symmetrical using miras.
1. How many items that we found will actually be symmetrical?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 4, 2017- May the (fourth)ce be with you, always.

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- please dress to be outside
Homework: practice multiplication facts, Connections to the Land due Monday (social)
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 2 & 3 task due May 10
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task due May 9
  • orange- Chapter 4 due May 9
  • red- Chapters 10-13 due May 10
What did we do today?
  • In math, group B started working on a wanted poster for either a cube, a triangular prism or a rectangular prism.  Group C's cereal box project is due Wednesday and group A learned about 3D objects.
  • This morning in gym, where we played a game called Foxes and Rabbits.  Some of us were foxes while the rest were rabbits.  The foxes had to tag the rabbits, who turned into foxes if they were caught.
  • After recess in buddies, we helped our buddies work on Starfall, Mathletics and Make a Snowflake.
  • Before lunch, in language arts, Ms. Jones read from Wonder.  We finished reading about Summer.  Mr. Tushman told some kids to be friends with Auggie, and he thought she was one of them.  But she wasn't, she is friends with him because he is funny and likes to play four square.
  • At the end of the day in science, we started our simple machine centers.  There are six centers to complete.  One was a wedge center.  We also had a build a catapult center and a thrilling threads activity where we learned how a screw works.
1. Why will Jack change his mind to help August?
2. Is there anything else Summer will tell August about her dad?
3. If Jack's brother saw August now, would he still think that he is weird?
4. Will Jack become Auggie's friend again?  Does he believe in the Plague?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3, 2017- Will be the force be with us tomorrow?

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #23 due tomorrow, science pulley and lever write up due tomorrow.
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 2 & 3 task due May 10
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task due May 9
  • orange- Chapter 4 due May 9
  • red- Chapters 10-13 due May 10
What did we do today?
  • In math, Ms. Jones went over last week's math mystery case with those who did not get it correct.  We then continued our math tasks from yesterday.
  • In gym, we played Raiders of the Arc with Room 5.  We all had a chance to be raiders and crypt keepers.
  • After recess in science, we had time to work on our two experiments about the pulley and the lever.
  • Before lunch, in language arts, we did word work.  We figured out the secret word, which was cauliflower, and we made words with those letters.
  • This afternoon, in music, it was our last day to work on our GarageBand assignment.  We also started our written part of the assignment on Google Docs.
  • At the end of the day in Daily 5, we had to finish our tipi stories, our science experiment write ups, our social connections to the land and word work.  If we were done those we worked on our guided reading tasks and read to self.
1. Will Auggie meet any new friends when he goes back to school?
2. Why did Savannah ask Summer about her "boyfriend"?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017- Let's Go on a Picnic

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #23 due Thursday 
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 1 task due tomorrow
  • green- Chapter 1-4 task due May 9
  • orange- Chapter 4 due May 9
  • red- Up to chapter 10 due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • In math, groups A and C started with multiplication ninja practice and after worked on their projects and assignments.  Group B started with a task on nets, then went on to their multiplication practice.
  • In gym, we went outside and played Capture the Flag with Room 5.
  • After gym, we switched desks and groups.
  • After recess in language arts, Ms. Jones read us more from Wonder.  We finished Via's perspective and she has stopped friends with Miranda and now she takes the subway by herself.  She also convinced Auggie to go back to school.
  • In health, Mrs. Wilkens started our healthy eating and active unit.  We looked at a poster which showed healthy activities and food groups and discussed how they are important to our health and growth.
  • This afternoon, in music, it was our second last day to work on our GarageBand assignment.  If we finished early, we had to share it with two people before placing it in her dropbox.
  • During Daily 5, we had to finish our tipi stories, worked on our guided reading tasks and read to self.
  • At the end of the day in science, Ms. Jones and Ms. Cowdy did an experiment with levers.  We also came up with the jobs our groups will have.  Afterward we had to record our question and hypothesis about the experiment.
1. What will Summer say about Auggie?
2. Was Isabel mad after she found Auggie's Boba Fett costume on the floor?

Monday, May 1, 2017

May 1, 2017- Buildings, shapes and castles

Read 30 min
Recycle Your Read May 16
Homework: practice multiplication facts, math mystery case #23 due Thursday, 
Group B math: p. 225 #5,6 due tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple-
  • blue- Chapter 1 task overdue
  • green- 
  • orange- Chapter 3 due tomorrow
  • red- Up to chapter 10 due Wednesday
What did we do today?
  • In math, we were going to start with multiplication ninja practice, but there were no computers due to the grade 5/6 PAT practice, so we worked on our projects and text work.
  • In gym, we played Raiders of the Arc outside in the field.
  • After gym, we switched desks and groups.
  • After recess in social studies, Ms. Jones went over the regions and how the land shaped how the First Nations lived.  Then we researched what they used for shelter, transportation, food, tools and clothing in each region.
  • In health, we watched three more groups perform their Unthinkable plays.
  • This afternoon, we had a spelling test to see where are spelling skills are at.
  • During Daily 5, we had to finish our tipi stories, worked on our guided reading tasks and read to self.
  • At the end of the day in art, we planned out and sketched castles using geometric 2D shapes.