Read 30 min
Homework: complete sleep chart for Thursday, Math mystery due Thursday, journal planning due tomorrow
Big Box Fundraiser due October 11
No school Fri or next Mon
Book orders due Monday
School photos October 17- see background form
Big Box Fundraiser due October 11
No school Fri or next Mon
Book orders due Monday
School photos October 17- see background form
What did we do today?
- In math, we got to go on the computer and work with virtual base ten blocks to solve addition questions. We grouped the ones to make tens, the tens to make hundreds and the hundreds to make thousands.
- In gym we had to make a group of three and we practiced passing the soccer ball with one person in the middle. That person had to stand with their legs wide so that the ball could go through. Then Ms. Jones made it harder by having that middle person do jumping jacks. And then we joined another group of three and played a game of keep away. We also practiced passing and trapping with a partner.
- In science, we learned how the human ear worked. We watched a video showing the ear. The pinna funnels sound into the ear canal. The sound waves vibrate the ear drum which moves the hammer, anvil and stirrup. After that, the waves go into the cochlea which is filled with liquid and tiny hairs. The liquid moves the hairs, which transmit a nerve message to the brain which identifies the sound. We also found out that ear wax is important because it prevents infections and dirt from damaging the sensitive skin in your ear canal. We made a folding ear out of paper to remember to different parts of the ear.
- In Daily Five the grade 4s worked on completing their Read to Someone activity while the grade 3s were in the library starting their SLA assessment in reading.
- We continued working on our writing and artwork for language arts. Most of us have started our first draft of our write up.
1. In the library, there is a poster of a girl who has had the same cancer as Terry Fox. How many people have had this type of cancer?
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