Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020- Google Classroom next week

Dear Room 4 families,

Thank you for being so patient and understanding as we move into our third week of learning. We will continue to deliver our learning plans and connect with students through Google Classroom. The tasks for next week will be assigned by 3:30pm today.

If you are accessing this through your tablet or phone, please download the google classroom app.

If you have any questions or difficulties with accessing the Google Classroom, please email me at so that I can help you.  If you need paper copies of any of the materials, please email me as well so that I can get these ready for you.

We will also be having regular Google Meet meetings. Grade 4's will meet on Fridays at 3:30pm while the grade 3 students will meet on Mondays at 11:30am. To access Google Meet is the same process to access the classroom. Watch for an email at your child's specific time to click and join.

Ms. Jones

Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020- Next Week's Learning Plan

Dear Room 4 families,

Thank you for being so patient and understanding as we move into our second week of learning. We are going to be moving to Google Classroom and Google Meet next week to deliver our learning plans and connect with students. To send tasks and assignments to you through Google Classroom, we will be sending an invite to your child’s school email account. 

To join the Classroom, login to their email, open the Invitation from me, click the join button and your child will have ongoing access to my classroom. There they will be able to see the tasks I have assigned them, and can click on each one for instructions, worksheets, links and any tools they will require.

If you are accessing this through your tablet or phone, please download the google classroom app.

Please note, my Google Classroom will not be accessible until this Friday at 3:30pm. Your email will arrive at that time.

If you have any questions or difficulties with accessing the Google Classroom, please email me at so that I can help you.  If you need paper copies of any of the materials, please email me as well so that I can get these ready for you.

Remember we will also be having a Google Meet meeting on Wednesday April 15th at 11:30am.  To access Google Meet is the same process to access the classroom. Watch for an email Wednesday morning at that time 
to click and join.

Here are the links from the email you received earlier this week.

Accessing Google Meet or Classroom for the First Time

Google provides excellent resources to help with signing into Google Classroom and joining a class, along with other supports.

This information will also be posted on the classroom blog. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Ms. Jones

Friday, April 3, 2020

A Video From Ms. Jones- April 3, 2020

Learning From Home – Week #1 April 6 – April 10th, 2020

As you know we have been given guidelines from Alberta Education that suggest we provide ~5 hours of schoolwork per week focused mainly on literacy and math. We will work to follow these guidelines but also hope to continue integrating more of our science and social studies work that students have already started. We will work to follow these guidelines. Each week we also hope that you will be able to determine a schedule that works best for your family. Each task has an estimated amount of minutes per week that the task may take. This is just an approximation, each student will work at their individual pace. 
We would really appreciate feedback by the end of the week about a few things. We are all figuring this out together and want to make sure the work we are doing is working for you. Please send me an email and comment on:
  • How was the workload? Do you need more things to keep your child going or was it difficult to work through the activities provided? 
  • What activities were tough? 
  • What areas need more practice? 
  • Where is your child ready for more of a challenge? 
We will do our best to adjust things for the weeks to come based on your feedback.
The basic instructions for each task are here on the blog. We have shared this same document with all the worksheets and visuals to your child’s google docs. The document is called Learn From Home Week #1 Room 4. Your child can access this by logging in to their email account or clicking this link:

Dear Students,
Welcome to our first week of learning-from-home Room 4. Each week we will send you tasks to complete and ways to show me how things are going. We know that things are weird right now and depending on your family’s situation it may be challenging to complete everything. Don’t worry, it’s ok if you can’t do everything or if you need to take some extra time. Just let me know if you need help. I will be working every day and can be contacted via email if you need anything. 
Ms. Jones or
How to “Hand In” Your Work
  • We would like you to do all your Week’s work on Google Docs or Google Slides. 
  • Please share your document as soon as you create it. This will allow us to see your work at any time during the week, whether you are finished or not. We can comment and help with edits. For sharing, email it to
  • How you organize your work in Google Docs is up to you and your parents can help you with this. 
  • We would suggest that you give each subject a title and put all the work underneath it. To help you with this, we have put all the headings in red.
  • If you have access to a printer, you may want to print out this document and do the work on the worksheets (ie Science/cursive writing) and then take a picture of it. Please insert the picture into your google docs or slides. You can do this by dragging the picture from your desktop into the doc/slide.
Daily Five Activities (to be done throughout the week)

Listen to Reading: Please complete your assignment on Raz-Kids. You must listen and read the book before completing the quiz.  Only complete the quiz once. (approx 30 min)

Read to Self:Please also make sure you are doing at least 20 minutes of reading everyday. For one of these days, we ask that you complete a read to self ticket. You can just fill this out on your google doc. Tell us what book you are reading and write a sentence telling us what was your favourite part and why.

If you need some new books to read please check out the Calgary Public Library for some great e-books or you can find books in the Raz-kids reading room. On the link section of the blog there are some links for the Tumblebooks libraries also. (approx 20 minutes)

Cursive writing: On a piece of lined paper, write down the riddle and it’s answer twice. You can also print this sheet out and fill it in that way too. It is not necessary to hand this in, have your parents admire your lovely handwriting. (approx 10 min)

Work on Writing (WOW): Each week we will give you a writing prompt for your assignment. Each week mom or dad will decide if you are going to write your WOW entry on the computer or on a piece of paper. Learning to type is a great skill but it is also important to keep practicing your printing skills by writing on a piece of paper or your own journal book at home. Mom and Dad will help you find a balance between these skills. It is not ok to argue with Mom and Dad’s decision on this. We are giving this choice to them, not to you. (approx 30-45 minutes, but I do know some of my students will need extra time.)

Here is this week’s Work on Writing, WOW #1

Tell me how your family is adjusting to our new staying safe measures. Are mom and dad working from home? What are you doing to stay busy and entertained? How are you feeling about all these changes?

Journal checklist:

  • Make a plan, including a beginning, middle and end for your journal
  • Interesting beginning- make your beginning catchy and wanting the reader to read on
  • You should have 2 similes/ metaphors
  • Using interesting and juicy/descriptive words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)- brainstorm a word bank with your parents or older sibling
  • Make sure you use description when telling us what you have been doing (use the 5 senses when you can)  It is the biggest part of your journal.
  • Good concluding sentence to wrap up your journal
Writing expectations:
Grade 3: 10-14 sentences 
Grade 4: 15-20 sentences written in paragraphs


Math Stretch
Look carefully in the bottom right hand corner of each problem to do the problem for your grade level. We would like you to try and complete one problem each day. (approx 10 min)
This week, please login to mathletics and do the activities assigned to you. Remember to use Safari or Explorer instead of google chrome for best results. (approx 15 min)
Grade 3’s: This week I would like to review our multiplication strategies.  If you need a reminder, look for the strategy sheets that were packed in your belonging bags. (they had 4 boxes and a number line). Please complete the questions below.  We did not do near facts, so if you are not comfortable with that one ask a parent or skip it. Print out and complete. If you can’t print it, that is okay, you can just type up the answers on your google doc, write them down on a piece of paper and send a picture. (approx 30 min)
If you have cards, some cups and a bouncy ball, you can play Quidditch with a family member.
Grade 4’s: This week I would like to review our long division strategies. We have been practicing strategy D & E in class. Please answer question 1 in your math scribbler and take a picture of it. (approx 30 min)
I will also be emailing you a game called Long Division Tic Tac Toe to play with your family.
Print out and complete. If you can’t print it, that is okay, you can just type up the answers on your google doc, write them down on a piece of paper and send a picture.
This experiment asks you to use materials you may not have at your house. Be creative and use things that you have around your house. Do not feel that you have to have the exact materials. Mom and Dad can help you with this. Cardstock and index cards are a stronger type of paper, so if you only have regular paper you may want to double or triple it or fold it a couple of times. (approx 30 min)
GYM and MUSIC (optional)
Let’s keep moving every day! This week we were supposed to start our dance residency with DANCEPL3Y. Since we aren’t able to work with them in-person they very kindly sent along a Youtube link so you can dance along at home! Enjoy! DANCEPL3Y HERE
Mr. O'Reilly has also posted some lessons to his blog to check out if you would be musicians would like.