- Read 20 minutes
- Bring empty cereal box to school
- Whole school picture form due Wednesday
What we did today:
- Because of the smoke, we stayed indoors. In art, we had time to finish our third picture for our Alberta timeline, which is a scene from the plains 5600 years ago to the mid-1800's.
- After art, we had a "ketchup and pickles" time, where we had time to type up our stories, complete our math and to finish building our cars.
- In science, we had to complete building our cars today as next class we will be testing them. We also had to finish our building log, which included steps to build and a diagram.

- Read 20 minutes
- Bring empty cereal box to school.
- **Please collect materials for science**
- Book orders due tomorrow
- Whole school picture form due June 5th
- Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- dress to be outside
What we did today:
- We started to build our cars today! We could use magnet power, push power and air power to power our prototype. We used materials collected from home. If we finished building, we then had to write up the procedure of how to make our vehicle, and draw a labeled diagram.
- During computer lab, we worked on finishing our stories. Some people swapped their stories to share and edit.
- In Daily 5, we were given time to practice our handwriting, type our stories, work on our cereal box book reports and make a cover for our short story.
- In gym, we played another game of lacrosse, where we had to pass to our teammates before you could shoot at the pylon to score.
- Read 20 minutes
- Decide what type of car you are going to build for science and have your list of materials complete by Thursday May 30th.
- Bring empty cereal box to school.
- **Please collect materials for science and bring to school by Thursday May 30th.**
- Book orders due Friday
- Whole school picture form due June 5th
What we did today:
- Today in social studies, watched two videos. One was about the fur trade, which was started for the Europeans want for beaver pelts to make waterproof hats. The other video that we started to watch was about the life of a voyageur, who paddled their way inland towards Alberta.
- In gym, we played a lacrosse like game where we were numbered into four teams. We had to pass to each team member before trying to shoot at a pylon for points.
- In music, we did Garage Band. We also recorded our live instruments. Mr. O'Reilly gave us a tutorial on how we can make our songs sound better by listening to the chords.
- In math, we learned about shape skeletons and nets. The grade 4's learned about nets and how to fold them into 3D objects. The grade 3's made skeletons out of toothpicks and plasticine to determine the shapes edges and vertices.
- Read 20 minutes
- Decide what type of car you are going to build for science and have your list of materials complete by Thursday May 30th.
- Bring empty cereal box to school.
- Please collect materials for science and bring to school by Thursday May 30th.
- Book orders due Friday
- Swim report cards sent home
- Whole school picture form due June 5th
What we did today:
- Today in social studies, we visited the website to listen to the numbers spoken in the Blackfoot language. We recorded the numbers one to ten before checking out other words and phrases.
- In gym, we warmed up by passing to each other using lacrosse sticks. Then we got into groups and played Pig in the Middle, where we had to keep the ball away from the pigs by passing.
- In computer lab, we did Raz-Kids.
- Before library, Ms. Jones went over the cereal box book project. We will have to include a summary, ingredients (characters, setting) and game based on the book.
- We had a Coffin Cares assembly, where we learned about how much garbage was collected and how we can reduce our waste output during recess and lunch.
- Read 20 minutes
- Find out what happens to the things you put in your compost bins. What are the chemical reactions that take place.
- Decide what type of car you are going to build for science and have your list of materials complete by Thursday May 30th.
- Please collect materials for science and bring to school by Thursday May 30th.
- Treat day is tomorrow Tuesday May 28th, bring your quarters.
What we did today:
- Today in music we worked on garage band.
- In computer lab we finished choosing our design for our cars and writing our list of materials. When we were finished we did Mathletics.
- Today in Art we did our third picture for our timeline from 5600 years ago until mid 1800's.
- In math we played a shape game where you needed to guess a 3D shape based on your partners description and then we searched for real world 3D shapes around the school.
- We continued working on our short stories.
- We had our whole school photo this morning
- Read 20 minutes
- Find out what happens to the things you put in your compost bins. What are the chemical reactions that take place.
- Decide what type of car you are going to build for science and have your list of materials complete by Thursday May 30th.
- Please collect materials for science and bring to school by Thursday May 30th.
- Treat day on Tuesday May 28th, bring your quarters.
What we did today:
- Today in art we finished our Paris Through the Window art, they look fantastic!
- We had our weekly spelling test.
- Today we did the big pickup.
- Today for Outdoor Classroom we dug up the garbage that we buried in October to see what materials changed and how they changed. We could not find the carrot or the cupcake wrapper. Some of our observations were surprising.
October Today
- Read 20 minutes
- Spelling words sent home- quiz tomorrow
- Please collect materials for science and bring to school by Thursday May 30th
What we did today:
- Today in science we got our next project that we will be working on. Our project is to build a car that moves. After learning about all the terms that we need to know we moved into the planning phase. We used the computers to look for ideas. We need to collect materials from home that we can use to build our cars and we need to have them at school by next Thursday (May, 30th)
- Today in Math we learned about cylinders, cones and spheres and used the words vertices, edges and faces to describe them
- Today in gym we worked on our lacrosse skills.
- We finished our word work for the week and we continued writing our stories in Daily 5.
- In computer lab we had buddies and we did Starfall with them.
- Read 20 minutes
- Fun Lunch tomorrow
- Spelling words sent home- quiz Friday
- Ethnobotany was due last Thursday, please return if you have not done so
- Math Show What You Know p. 216 due tomorrow
What we did today:
- Today in Social Studies we learned about how the Blackfoot hunted the buffalo and what they used them for. They used every part of the buffalo for food, shelter, clothing and tools. We watched a video about Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump and we watched a scene from a movie about the Blackfoot sneaking up thousands of buffalo.
- In gym we did practiced passing a ball with a partner with lacrosse sticks. Then we played a game like musical chairs with no chairs and no music! We had to run into the middle and get a tennis ball. If you did not get a tennis ball, you were out.
- In music we discussed how we will write our song project. We also used the Garage band app to add instruments to create our songs.
- During computer lab, we learned about two new games. One website was called Brainbasher, where we had to figure out a number. Allow me to show you!
- Read 20 minutes
- Fun Lunch is on Thursday May 23rd
- Spelling words sent home today
- Ethnobotany was due last Thursday, please return if you have not done so
- Math Pg. 210-215 due tomorrow, all questions except for #2 on pg. 214
What we did today:
- Today in Social Studies we learned about native languages and their importance to their culture and identity. We learned how to write the numbers from 1-10 in Dene.
- In gym we did a fitness challenge with a partner doing sit ups, push ups, lunges, passing side to side and over and under and planks.
- In computer lab we had to finish typing our first event from our short story and then we did Mathletics.
- In library we had to choose a chapter book that we can read in 3 weeks. We are going to be using these books to do a Cereal Box Book Report.
- We got our spelling list today to study for the test at the end of the week.
- Read 20 minutes
- No school tomorrow or Monday
- Last day to order Fun Lunch is Friday May 17th
What we did today:
- Today was the last day of swimming, next week we will get our certificates for Swim to Survive.
- Today in Social Studies we had to gather two facts from the website about each of the five different First Nations groups, Slavey, Siksika, Kainai, The Plains Cree and Chipewyan.
- Today in math we continued to learn about polygons and we had to learn how to sort the different polygons based on sorting rules. Then we had to sort the polygons and our partners had to figure out what sorting rule we used.
- Today we had buddies and we had an opportunity to observe the butterfly larva in the kindergarten room. We also helped our buddies use Starfall.
- Today in daily 5 we did work on our story writing, listen to reading, teacher and word work.
- Read 20 minutes
- Last day for swimming tomorrow- remember to bring your gear and a snack!
- Ethnobotany booklets due Thursday
- No school this Friday or next Monday
What we did today:
- Today in art we continued our Paris Through the Window painting. Today we drew and painted unusual characters or objects that we will cut out and add to our first painting.
- Today in Math we started talking about Polygons.
- In computer lab we did Raz Kids
- We are continuing with Lacrosse in Gym, working on passing to a partner.
- Read 20 minutes
- Swimming again this week tomorrow and Thursday - remember to bring your gear and a snack!
- No swimming tomorrow
- Volunteer Tea is on Wednesday afternoon starting at 2:00pm.
- Ethnobotany booklets due Thursday
- Last day of swimming on Thursday
- No school this Friday or next Monday
What we did today:
- Today in Social Studies we explored a First Nations Website and started learning interesting facts about the The Plains and the Subarctic groups.
- Today in Math we finished up our work from yesterday and then we did Geoboard Fractions.
- In Story writing we continued adding events to our stories and typing it on the computer.
- In word work one group did quick spell and sorted them into groups, the other group did a pretest on 20 words.
- It was our second to last swimming lesson today, our last lesson is on Thursday.
- Read 20 minutes
- Library books due back tomorrow
- Swimming again this week tomorrow and Thursday - remember to bring your gear and a snack!
- Volunteer Tea is on Wednesday afternoon starting at 2:00pm.
- Ethnobotany booklets due Thursday
- No school this Friday or next Monday
What we did today:
- In social studies, we watched a video about oral storytelling. We watched the Story of Creation based on the tellings of a First Nations people from the east. We then had to retell the story to a friend in the class before writing it down in our books.
- We had art this morning. We continued our ode to the "Paris in the Window". We painted our landscape pictures using watercolour paints after outlining key details with our Sharpie markers.
- In language arts, we started writing our stories on the computer. Ms. Jones also handed out a checklist with key elements she wants to see in our stories.
- During Daily 5, we had to finish our social retelling before working on our guided reading tasks and reading to self.
- Read 20 minutes
- Swimming again next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - remember to bring your gear and/or a snack!
- Volunteer Tea is on Wednesday
What we did today:
- During our Fresh Air Friday class, we had one last day to complete our ethnobotany sheets. We had to colour our sketches and write down the location of each plant. After that, we played a game called Plant Habitat. The plants would decide together whether they were looking for food, water or shelter. The habitat team would independently decide what they are. The plants then had to race to what they needed. If they could not find the habitat, they would lie on the ground.
- We had our spelling tests.
- Ms. Jones was giving out points for reading quietly, getting our tools ready and adding to the blog.
- We went over the results of the type of garbage we picked up for Earth Day. There were a lot of Ziploc bags out there! We talked about how important it is to reduce our use of plastics.
- Read 20 minutes
- Swimming again Monday - remember to bring your gear and/or a snack!
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Fresh Air Friday tomorrow- dress for the weather
What we did today:
- During Daily 5, we all did work on writing. We discussed all the elements we need for our stories, including events, a problem, a description of the setting, etc.... We continued to write our stories up to the first event.
- Today we did swimming.
- In computer lab we had buddies! We helped our buddies get onto Starfall to learn their letters and letter sounds. While we did that, Mrs. Wilkens would call on us and our buddies to finish their Mother's Day art.
- Today in social studies, we watched a video about the Hiawatha and how he and the Peacemaker worked together to make peace with all the tribes. This was known as the Iroquois Confederacy.
- In math, we started a show what we know page, so that Ms. Jones can see what we have learned about decimals while she has been away. Because we worked so well, we played Fraction and Decimal Jeopardy.
- Read 20 minutes
- Swimming again tomorrow - remember to bring your gear and/or a snack!
- Spelling test on Friday
- We will miss our most favourite substitute, Ms Brunsch!!! Ms Jones will be back tomorrow.
What we did today:
- Today in Math, instead of doing normal jeopardy where you win money we played a version with converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions, ordering decimals, and comparing decimals. The points went from 100 to 500, easiest to hardest. The first team to get it all right would get all the points from the clue and then after that there were bonus points up for grabs for an extra 50 points.
- Today we did swimming.
- In computer lab we went on Iris and took a picture of something or make a video of it. In the video we had to talk about it, if you did a picture you had to write a paragraph about it.
- Today in Language Arts Ms. Brunsch read us Stanley's Party which had a lot of description and worked through the event in slow motion. She read us the book so we could resume our own even writing while highlighting the descriptions, thoughts, dialogue, and actions.
- In gym we did lacrosse again. We played pass with a buddy for a while, and then we cradled the ball from one side of the field to the other and then played a game that had 2 sharks without a stick to start. If you dropped your ball or a shark tagged you, you became a shark (or a sea urchin in the second game) but if you made it to the other side, you were safe.
- Read 20 minutes
- Swimming tomorrow - DON'T FORGET YOUR SWIM GEAR (towel, swimsuit, and goggles, if you can!) If you want to bring an extra snack for after swimming, don't forget to pack on!
What we did today:
- Today we had our first day of swimming. And today in swimming we didn't shower before class because it would take a while to get sorted into groups.
- Today in Social Studies we had a short class so we got a page about the people of Canada before us. We learned about the Métis and we learned that they were the mix of European and Indigenous people and lots of them speak French. We also learned about the First Nations people and that there are over 600 different First Nations in Canada and that many of them only have oral languages - they don't have any books, so they have to tell stories. The last one we learned about was the Inuit people who have their own language and people used to call them Eskimos but they prefer to be called the Inuit or Inuk people.
- In Word Study we worked on our word work on the sheets we got earlier in the week from Ms Cowdy, Ms Brunsch, and Ms Wilkins.
- Today in Math we continued our work from yesterday and if we were done we got to play Zoom on the Ipads which helped us place decimals on the number line. There were frogs, bees, and weird little tick-fleas. We had a split math period before and after recess because swimming mixed up our afternoon.
- In computer lab we did Raz Kids
- In gym today, we went swimming.
- In library we got our books and read to ourselves or with a buddy.
- Read 20 minutes
- Swimming starts tomorrow! Don't forget your bathing suit, towel, goggles, flip flops, etc.
What we did today:
- In gym we started the Lacrosse unit (in honour of the Western Semi-final tonight - Go Roughnecks Go!) and we practiced our passing techniques with a partner.
- In Art today, we finished sketching our Chagall paintings then outlined them in Sharpie. If you finished that, you could start painting with watercolours.
- In Music, we went onto Garage Band and we checked out some of the smart instruments like guitar, piano, and drums.
- In computer lab we did Mathletics
- In Math, we continued our work on adding and subtracting decimals. If you finished all of the questions, you could do the scavenger hunt to find the math clues hidden all around the room. If you finished all of that, you could play a math game. Ms. Brunsch also went over some of the questions that people were getting wrong so we could get them right next time!
- In Language Arts, everybody continued working on writing our Events for our story. Some people shared their ideas.
- Family Dance moves tonight at 6pm
- Practice your dance moves!
- Swimming starts next week - May 7, 8, 9 in the afternoon
- Read 20 minutes
What we did today:
- Today in outdoor classroom we used our Ethnobotany duo tangs to answer clues about the plants and trees in the Whispering Woods. We had to find them, write their locations (North, East, South, or West), and draw a picture of each plant that we found.
- In Art, we started sketching our Paris Through the Window art. Ms. Cowdy said we could draw a view through a window of our choice, maybe from a place you've been or from your house or from the car. We had 20 minutes to do a sketch and we will work more on it next week.
- In Word Study, Ms Cowdy's group shared their transfer words like literature and we chose our new words for next week. If you had no spelling words that you got wrong on the spelling test, then you could choose some transfer words for your words next week.
- Today we did the Big Pick Up.
- Read 20 minutes
- Family Dance tomorrow at 6pm - bring your dancing shoes!
What we did today:
- In Social Studies we had to finish colouring our title pages for our new unit on the people of Alberta. Then we started filling out a KWL chart with what we KNOW what we WANT to know and later we will add what we learned. We wrote about the different groups of Indigenous people and are excited to learn more!
- In Daily 5 we all did Work on Writing and we worked on writing the rough drafts of our story events.
- In science, we went to Room 5 and we re-watched the video on Wedges that we watched yesterday and then we came back to our classroom to fill in the experiment sheet with the hypothesis about what we thought would separate the rice better, the cube or the triangle. We had to draw pictures of the experiment and rate what you thought it felt like, 1 being really easy and 10 being really hard.
- In gym Ms. Brunsch gave us a choice about what we wanted to play and the majority said dodgeball. We negotiated which games we were going to play and decided on grade 3s vs grade 4s playing normal dodgeball. Then we played Dr. Dodgeball with the same teams.
- In Math we had to finish our work on adding decimals. When we were finished that, we moved on to subtracting decimals. When you were done both, you got to do a scavenger hunt around the classroom with decimals.
- Read 20 minutes
- Family Dance on Friday
- Swimming starts next week
What we did today:
- In science, we wrote our conclusions to yesterday's experiment and then we watched a video about our next experiment using wedges where we will get 2 blocks, one shaped like a wedge and one shaped like a rectangle. We will pull them through rice and measure the force required to get them through. We will compare which is easier to pull through the rice using a spring scale.
- Today in Math we got into teams of 4 or 5 and we each got a bag of garbage from our yard cleanup last week. Using tongs and gloves, we had to sort the garbage into different categories - compost, recycling, one-use-snack-wrappers, refundable, or garbage. We used tally marks to keep track of how many wrappers we got from each company. When we were done, we cleaned up and will discuss our findings as a class next Math lesson.
- Today in Daily 5, Groups 7 and 4 had Word Work; Groups 5 and 6 did Raz Kids; Groups 1 and had Teacher-Time; and Group 3 read to self.
- Today in Computers we did Raz Kids.
- Today in Music, we started learning how to write lyrics for our songs. We had to think of some thoughts that would inspire us like nature, wildlife, earth, people, and more. We watched 2 videos - one about an artist and another about a girl who would pick something up and sing about it.
- Today in Language Arts we used green, yellow, pink, and blue highlighters to identify different parts of the event in a story. We read the paragraph about the Armadillo Tattletale and then highlighted the parts of the story that were action words, descriptions, dialogue, and the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
- In gym we played frisbee Bocce Ball and because we were all good sports, Ms Brunsch (our MOST FAVOURITE SUB EVER) let us play 10 minutes of dodgeball too!