Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 27, 2017- Final test trials

Read 30 min
Grade six farewell starts @ 2:00pm
Water fight planned for Thursday morning- please bring water gun, towel, change of clothes
Year End assembly Thursday @ 2:00pm

What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, if we were done all three assigned centers, we did one of the optional ones and we tried our luck with the probability fair games on the computer.
  • For gym, we had another free choice of four active activities.
  • In science, we continued testing our devices.  First some balloon powered devices and lego cars that needed ramps were tested.  Then we went outside and we tested a boat.
  • After lunch in social studies, we got to work on our alphabet books.  Our work looks amazing!  The artwork is some of the best we have done this year.
  • At the end of the day we did some more testing of student devices that were either ramp powered or balloon powered.  The most successful devices were the ones that were simple!

Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017- Super cars and devices!

Read 30 min
Bring fidget spinner and different sizes of bottles for if you have one for our math centers
Year End assembly Thursday @ 2:00pm

What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, we continued to work on our math centers.
  • In science, we started testing our devices.  First the rockets and bubbles that needed to be outside where tested.  Then we tested some balloon powered devices and lego cars that needed ramps.
  • During health, we shared what we have learned and changed the most, so that now we are more healthy and happy.
  • We did a desk clean to clean out lots of paper and extra erasers!
  • At the end of the day in social, we had some more time to work on our pages for our Alberta Alphabet book.

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017- The Final Friday Plant Search

Read 30 min
Bring fidget spinner and different sizes of bottles for if you have one for our math centers
Device for science and logbook due Monday

What did we do today?
  • This morning we had 45 minutes to do catch up.  We had time to work on our science projects, which we will test Monday.  We could also work on our social poem, artwork and type out our facts.  Or we could work on our math centers, which are: the fidget spinner, the bottle flip and the rock, paper scissors one.
  • For the last Fresh Air Friday of the year, we went out into the Whispering Woods and sketched some of the plants we identified in the winter.  We had to have four done, with good detail and colour.  We also were asked to do a close up sketch of the leaves/ flowers.
  1. What will we do on the last day of school?
  2. How different did the pictures today look, between the winter and the summer?

Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 22, 2017- Rock it, spin it, flip it....will the teacher survive math?

Read 30 min
Bring fidget spinner and different sizes of bottles for if you have one for our math centers

Homework: -practice basic facts, Advice corner for grade 4s
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, we started our math centers.  One had fidget spinners, and we had to mark how many times our spinner would land on a spinner template with different colours. Then we had a bottle flipping one and a rock, paper, scissors one to do to learn about probability.
  • In gym, we played silent soccer because it was raining outside and we could not use the gym.
  • After recess we did buddies.  Some of us had to help our buddies print a document.  Then we moved on to Starfall or Mathletics.
  • In music we played a game that was like four corners.  Ms. Stephure would say a tempo and we would have to act what the tempo was.  We also played drama games.
  • In social, we worked on our poem, our artwork and we started typing out our five facts about an important person/ place or thing in Alberta.
  • During the grade 4 health class, the grade 3s went into the learning commons and did poetry.
  • At the end of the day in science, we got to work on our simple machines.  We are going to test our machines Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21, 2017- It's that time again...summer!

Read 30 min
Bring extra spools to school if you have some 
Bring fidget spinner and different sizes of bottles for tomorrow if you have one for our math centers

Homework: -practice basic facts
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- finish book by tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, we started our probability unit.  We had a SMARTboard presentation and we had the chance to spin a colour on a spinner.  Four terms to use are: impossible, unlikely, likely and certain.
  • In gym, we had the choice of playground games, four square, soccer or basketball.
  • After recess we had a social/ science work hour where we got to do test trials, work on our artwork and do research.  Afterwards, Ms. Jones started to hand out some of the math mystery prizes.
  • The afternoon started again with the grade 3s working on poetry.  We reread the poem "The Race" and then we had to answer questions about it.  Then we played Whoosh, Bang Pow. The grade 4s learned about the changes in puberty.
  • In music, we learned a song and a game called "That old sow."  We had to line up and hold hands.  A farmer and a sow were picked.  The farmer tried to tag the sow but the lines would move at the end of each song verse.
  • At the end of the day in Daily 5, we had to work on our Alberta Alphabet poems.  Our second and fourth line had to rhyme.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017- The Henry Ward Award...I wonder who was the winner?

Read 30 min
Grade 4 Health letter due ASAP
Ask An Adult interview (grade 4)
Bring extra spools to school if you have some 
Bring fidget spinner Thursday if you have one

Homework: -practice basic facts
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- finish book by Thursday
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, we worked on our Multiplication Ninja practice to 12.  If we were done that we got to go on Mathletics and do operation problems.
  • In gym, we had the choice of playground games, four square or basketball, as the grade sixes were writing their PATs and we did not want to disturb them.
  • After recess in language arts, we finished the book Wonder.  Auggie got a Henry Ward Beecher medal for being kind and having courage.  Summer got an award for creative writing.  
  • After we read Wonder, we finished marking our food serving assignment.
  • The afternoon started with the grade 3s working on poetry.  She read us a poem called "The Race."  The grade 4s started their lessons about the changes in puberty.
  • For Daily 5, we worked on our Alberta alphabet poem and we could work on our artwork if we finished that.
  • At the end of the day in social/science, we were allowed to work on either our social research and artwork or test our devices and record the trials.  We will be testing our devices to see how far they go Monday and Tuesday.

Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017- Operation math games

Read 30 min
Grade 4 Health letter due tomorrow
Bring extra spools to school if you have some 

Homework: -practice basic facts; finish servings sheet for tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 9-10 due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, if we haven't finished our geometricity district we had to finish that first.  Then we worked on our Multiplication Ninja practice to 12.  If we were done that we tried the Math Kangaroo test.
  • In gym, we had the choice of playground games, four square or basketball, as the grade sixes were writing their PATs and we did not want to disturb them.
  • After recess in social/ science, we had the choice of working on our moving device or with researching facts for our Alberta person/place or thing.
  • Before lunch in health, we finished our serving sheets.  After we finished, we checked it with Mrs. Wilkens.
  • After lunch in Daily 5, Ms. Jones showed us how to write the poem for our Alberta alphabet books.  As a class we wrote one called "T is for tornado."  Then we practiced writing them in our journals.
  • At the end of the day in art, we worked on our Alberta alphabet water colour picture.
  1. What will the totals look like for everyone's serving sizes?

Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 2017- Yankee Doodle

Read 30 min
Environmental Committee letter - please bring back if you can help over the summer
Book Tasting Picnic tomorrow and will be outside, have book review and visual ready for that day
Bring extra spools to school if you have some 

Homework: -practice basic facts 
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 9-10 due Tuesday
  • green- rest of the book task due Monday
What did we do today?
  • This morning social studies, we got time to research 5 facts about the person, place or thing which makes Alberta special.
  • In gym, we played kickball with both rooms 4 & 5, with teams being decided by our numbers.  If we are an odd number we were on one team, if we were even we were on the other.
  • During buddies, we helped them use photo booth to add a photo to the word document they started last day.
  • Before lunch in music, we got into groups of five and we practiced the Yankee Doodle cup song.
  • After lunch in Daily 5, we had a list of activities that we had to finish, which included art, social and math.  If we were done all those we worked on our book reviews.
  • At the end of the day in science, we got more time to work on our devices.  Some of us started to test trial their projects while others worked on building.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017- A new story for the helmet...

Read 30 min
Environmental Committee letter - please bring back if you can help over the summer
Book Tasting Picnic will be on Friday, have book review and visual ready for that day

Homework: -practice basic facts 
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 9-10 due Tuesday
  • blue- rest of the book tasks due Thursday
  • green- rest of the book task due Monday
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, we had a basic fact quiz which was timed.  After we had to solve some questions to show our calculation skills.
  • Since it was raining outside, in gym we used the scoops and the lacrosse sticks and practiced passing.  Then we had a zipper line relay and we played pig in the middle.
  • In Daily 5, Ms. Jones did some reading assessments.  We worked on our book reviews and independent projects.
  • After Daily 5 and marking our basic fact quizes, we read some more of Wonder.  We ended up at the part where Auggie found out that his dad threw away his astronaut helmet.  He then got out of the car and is heading to his grade 5 graduation with Jack.
  • After lunch in social studies, we picked our top three choices for what makes Alberta unique. If we got the ok on our topic we got to start our research.  Some of our topic choices were: the pink tea, Mary Percy Jackson, Turtle Mountain and Frank's Slide.
  • In music, we learned what a slur and a tie was.  We also listened to the song Scotland's Burning.
  • At the end of the day, Ms. Jones took her reading groups.  We had the choice of working on our book reviews, timelines, math , or independent research.
  1. Will Auggie get a new astronaut helmet? Or the xbox he wants?
  2. Will Auggie tell his mom his dad threw out the helmet?
  3. Which simple machine design will go the farthest?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017- Little puppy Bear

Read 30 min
Environmental Committee letter - please bring back if you can help over the summer
Book Tasting Picnic will be on Friday, have book review and visual ready for that day

Homework: -practice basic facts for brief quiz tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 6-8 due tomorrow
  • blue- rest of the book tasks due Thursday
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, the grade 3's did time challenge activities using non-standard units while the grade 4's worked on telling time with 24 hour clocks by completing new pages in the textbook.
  • We had gym with Room 5 and we played kickball.
  • After recess in Wonder, we finished the part where Auggie and his friends got out of the corn field.  His family also got a new puppy and they named it Bear.
  • In health, we recorded what we had for dinner and we analyzed the portion servings we had from each food group.
  • After lunch we had Daily 5.  Our first priority was to finish our Alberta Tomorrow write up. We also worked on our book reviews, as we will be sharing them on Friday.  Then we could work on our timelines and guided reading tasks.  If we had finished everything, Ms. Jones allowed us to start an independent research project of our choice.
  • Today in science, we got to work on our projects and we had to have the first four parts of our logbook done, which include what the machine is, what it would help you with, what materials you would need and how you would build it.
  1. Will there be another time where August goes on a field trip and he gets bullied?
  2. Will Julian ever apologize? - (the answer is in the book Auggie & Me)

Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12, 2017- What are we having for dinner?

Read 30 min
Environmental treat day tomorrow- bring $1
Environmental Committee letter sent home
Swimming report cards sent home

Homework: -practice multiplication facts 
                    -Grade 3's- p. 139 # 1-7
                    -Grade 4's- p. 137 # 1-7         

Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 6-8 due Wednesday
  • blue- rest of the book tasks due Thursday
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due Wednesday
What did we do today?
  • This morning in math, the grade 3's continued to practice using time markers by finishing their text work.  The grade 4's worked on telling time and some started to work with the 24 hour clock.
  • We had gym with Room 5 and we played kickball.
  • After recess, we had social studies.  We started a listening sheet about the Alberta Tomorrow project last week.  
  • In health, we worked on improving our meal plans.  Tonight we have to make note of what we are having for dinner as we have a task to do first thing in the morning.
  • After lunch we had Daily 5.  We worked on our book reviews, as we will be sharing them on Thursday.  Then we could work on our timelines and guided reading tasks.  If we had finished everything, Ms. Jones allowed us to start an independent research project of our choice.
  • At the end of the day in art, our first priority was to finish our Alberta Tomorrow write up.  Then we had to finish our geometricity, our timeline art and we got to start a handwriting art project if we had time.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017- Alberta Today

Read 30 min
School Group order form due tomorrow
Sports Day Friday, one volunteer is needed to help.  Please email Ms. Boyer or Mrs. Polski if you are available.
Please check the Room 5 blog the rest of the week for any updates.

Homework: -practice multiplication facts, 
                    -math mystery case #27 due Thursday
                    -finish science title page (all seven simple machines, one box about force,                           two of your choice, coloured) 
                    -choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz this week.                       Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. 

Guided reading homework:
  • purple- Chapter 6-8 due June 13
  • blue- Chapter 6 task due Thursday
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day, we had a special person visit for Alberta Tomorrow.  She showed us what Calgary looked like in 1884 and what it looks like now.  The population grew and more agriculture developed.  She showed us how to work the simulator.  We can set new goals for agriculture and water consumption and we can also see what they would look like if everyone used best practices.
  • We had gym with Room 5 and we played kickball.
  • After recess, Ms. Jones read Wonder.  We heard from Miranda's point of view, and know why she did not talk to Via over the summer.
  • In music, we did Miss Mary Mac.  It is a game and clapping song where you have to do the exact same rhythm as the person you are with.  We also made stories and at the end we sang songs called My Bonny and Yankee Doodle.
  • After lunch we had Daily 5.  Two more students did their science tests.  We worked on our timelines, guided reading tasks, geometricity and book reviews.  We also created our accounts for the Alberta Tomorrow simulator, which we will be trying out tomorrow.
  • At the end of the day, we did math.  We worked on a show what you know activity about measurement.  If you finished early, you worked on the logic problems.
  • Check out our fence art by the kiss and drop!
  1. What will Via say to Miranda at dinner?  Will they be friends again?
  2. What will Alberta look like from different perspectives? 
  3. Will anyone be able to achieve all of their goals in the simulator?
  4. Will the economy be happy in the future? The animals?  Can we maintain a balance?

Monday, June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017- Make good choices for tomorrow

Read 30 min
Alberta Tomorrow presentation tomorrow morning
Bike to school day tomorrow
Sports Day Friday, one volunteer is needed to help.  Please email Ms. Jones if you are available. 

Homework: -practice multiplication facts, 
                    -math mystery case #27 
                    -finish science title page (all seven simple machines, one box about force,                           two of your choice, coloured) 
                    -choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz this week.                       Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. 

Guided reading homework:
  • purple- 
  • blue- Chapter 6 task due tomorrow
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due June 7
  • orange- synthesizer activity due tomorrow
What did we do today?
  • In math, we started a new concept.  We learned three ways to solve word problems that require logical reasoning.  We can use pictures given, draw pictures or use a Carroll diagram.
  • We had our whole school picture outside.
  • We had gym with Room 5 and we played revenge dodgeball.
  • In social studies, we watched the rest of the videos we needed to see to prepare us for our visitor tomorrow.
  • After lunch we had Daily 5.  We had the choice of completing our geometricity and timelines, finish our guided reading tasks and working on our book reviews.  One of us even did his science quiz today.
  • Our police officer Const. Valspar visited us to talk to us about bike safety before our Bike to School day tomorrow.

Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017- The last day of swimming

Read 30 min
Alberta Tomorrow presentation on Tuesday morning
Sports Day next Friday, one volunteer is needed to help.  Please email Ms. Jones if you are available. 

Homework: practice multiplication facts, finish science title page (all seven simple machines, one box about force, two of your choice, coloured) choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz next week.  Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. 

Guided reading homework:
  • purple- 
  • blue- Chapter 6 task due June 6
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due June 7
  • orange- synthesizer activity due June 6
What did we do today?
  • We had swimming first thing this morning.
  • We had catch up time to finish our geometricity districts, work on our timelines, and start our book reviews and science devices.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1, 2017- And so the building starts...

Read 30 min
Last day of swimming tomorrow- please bring your swimsuit, towel, goggles, flip flops, water bottle and extra snacks.  Also bring $2 if you would like a treat from the vending machine.

Homework: practice multiplication facts, finish science title page (all seven simple machines, one box about force, two of your choice, coloured) choose your two best centers with a star and study for your quiz next week.  Look over your simple machine notes and center instructions. 

Guided reading homework:
  • purple- 
  • blue- Chapter 6 task due June 6
  • green- Chapter 7-9 task due June 7
  • orange- synthesizer activity due June 6
What did we do today?
  • We had swimming first thing this morning.
  • We read more of Wonder today.  It was sad because Auggie's dog Daisy dies.
  • In music, we had this class to finish our Garageband Emotions Project.  
  • After lunch, in Daily 5 we had the option of completing our guided reading tasks, work on our word work or our book review.  We also had time to finish our writing, as Ms. Jones is starting to mark.
  • At the end of the day we had science, and we had to record what machine we are building, how it can be used in real life, the materials and the procedure in our log books.  Then we got to start building. http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/build/