Read 30 min
Face to face conferences tonight and Friday morning- no school tomorrow
Face to face conferences tonight and Friday morning- no school tomorrow
Guided reading homework:
- purple- Chapter 2 due Monday
- blue- Chapter 1 task and title page due Monday
- green-
- orange- Chapter 3 due Tuesday
- red- Up to chapter 10 due Wednesday
What did we do today?
- In math, group C worked on their cereal boxes while group A sorted polygons and group B sorted shapes into different attributes.
- During gym, we played tag games. We played We are All It Tag, Amoeba Tag and British Bulldog. We also had time for Builders and Destroyers.
- We had buddies today. We helped our little buddies get onto their Starfall accounts and practice their short vowel sounds.
- For music, we used Garageband to make a song. We learned how to change the dynamics (volume).
- In language arts we worked on our tipi stories. Ms. Jones has started conferencing with students with students who are finished.
- At the end of the day in science, the whole class worked together to complete the pulley experiment report. We had to make sure we had a very good description of what we observed and we needed to use our scientific vocabulary. We had to include a question, hypothesis, diagram and conclusion.
- Who will be in our groups for science? What will our jobs be?