Friday, December 16, 2016

December 16, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: science title page late
Christmas Math

What did we do today?
  • In gym, we had an indoor snowball fight with sock snowballs.  We broke up into two teams with Room 5 and we had mats to hide behind.
  • After gym, we finished reading the novel The Mystery of the Frozen Brains.  There was no invasion, but new refugees were coming to town and Marty's dad was helping them with Father Sasseville.
  • We cleaned up and we finished any work that needed to be finished.
  • At the end of the day in math, we finished the The Great Elf Game.  A student from group 3 had the highest total.
  • See you in the New Year!
1. Where was Remi?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 15, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: science title page late
Christmas caroling tomorrow morning from 9:00-9:30am
Science quiz sent home, please sign and return by Friday
Winter Sports Day Friday- postponed until the new year.

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day, we did caroling and we sang First Noel, Silent Night, Twelve Days of Christmas, Rockin Around the Christmas Tree, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.
  • In gym, we had gym with Room 5 because of our Mustard Seed presentation.  We played continuous and four corner dodgeball.
  • After recess, we had the Mustard Seed Presentation.  We learned about homelessness and what it is through pictures and stories.  Many people who are homeless do not live on the streets, but in shelters or couch surfing with friends.  Lots of people are homeless because they don't have the support of friends and family.  We presented the cards we made this week to the presenter, which will make a big difference.
  • In music, the people who didn't finish their band animal drawing had to finish it.  After, we had to choose a Christmas carol we really liked and then we made patterns to match the song.
  • During our computer lab time, Ms. Jones showed us some Christmas themed math activities to play.  The logic game Sugar, Sugar was the most popular.
  • In Daily 5, we finished up activities and during our Read Aloud, Marty found Remi sitting under the school statue.  He no longer has friends on his hockey team because he is friends with Marty.  They also figured out that three people from school were that related to the freezer find?
  • At the end of the day in math, we continued to play the The Great Elf Game.  We got to December 20th, so we will finish the game tomorrow. 
1. Will the missing people at school be without their brains?....
2. What is the importance of the frozen brains?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: no math mystery this week
Christmas caroling tomorrow morning from 9:00-9:30am
Science quiz sent home, please sign and return by Friday
Winter Sports Day Friday- please dress to be outside.

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day, we did caroling and we sang Deck the Halls, Six White Boomers, Twelve Days of Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.
  • In gym, we finished the Ring Bridge game, which we started yesterday.  Then we played a game called Clean Your Room, which is like the Trash Game but with rings.  After that, we broke the gym into 3 sections and we played mini-games of ringette.
  • In social studies, we talked about fossil fuels. Gas, coal and oil are examples.  We also had to look up what non-reusable and reusable resources are and write the definition.
  • After recess, we played The Great Elf Game.  You have 12 elves and you send them to the woods, the forest or the mountains to collect trees.  If Ms. Cowdy a 1-4, the weather is good and all the trees come back.  If a 5 or 6 is rolled, it is a blizzard and only the elves in the woods come back with trees.  Every five days there is a lottery.  We played it with Room 5.
  • In health, we went to the Learning Commons to play Whoosh, Bang, Pow.  We played this because it is an energy game and you practice not being a DOF.
  • During language arts, we finished up our science reflections, our Tinsel stories and Daily 5 activities.
  • In music, Mr. O was our sub.  He read us a book called The Animal Band.  Then we either made up an animal or drew an animal with an instrument.
  • At the end of the day we went over the answers of for our science quiz so that we could tell our parents the reason why we got our mark. 
1. What will some of the stations be for Winter Sports Day?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December 13, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: no math mystery this week
Treat day tomorrow- bring treats and 25¢
Christmas caroling Tuesday-Thursday morning from 9:00-9:30am

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day, we did caroling and we sang Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, Silent Night and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.
  • In gym, we played duck, duck goose with the ring.  The person who was it had to steal the ring from someone in the circle and race them back to their spot.  Then we played pip, squeak and wilbur with the rings as well.
  • In math, group 2 worked with Ms. Jones to divide with remainders, while the other two groups worked on finishing their math assignments.
  • After recess, we made cards with our little buddies and with our friends from Room 5 for guests at the Mustard Seed.
  • Ms. Jones read the novel The Mystery of the Frozen Brains.  Marty and Remi were looking for the UFO under the hill on the Boisonault Brothers farm.  They also found three frozen brains in bags in the ice cream freezer.
  • During Daily 5, we worked on choice activities.  We do not have a passport to record our work this week.
  • At the end of the day in science, we continued to finish our science reflection journals for hearing and sound.  Some of us finished and started to edit our work.

1. What will happen at school the next day to Remi and Marty?
2. Where did the brains from the freezer come from?  Are they animal or human?

Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: no math mystery this week
Library tomorrow
Treat day tomorrow- bring treats and 25¢
Christmas caroling Tuesday-Thursday morning from 9:00-9:30am

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day in math, we did Multiplication Ninja Monday activities.  One laptop was put at each table group and we were given a number.  While one group member did a test, the other group members practiced their facts.
  • In gym, we started ringette.  We practiced keeping our stick on the ground, passing and traveling with the ring.  We played ship captain and hit the shoe, where you tagged someone by hitting their shoe with the ring.
  • After recess, we reflected on our learning in science by writing a journal entry of what we learned and why it is important.
  • In health, we sat in a circle and continued to share our Brain Eater strategies.  We also were introduced to Glass Man.
  • During Daily 5, we were introduced to new Work on Writing and Word Work activities. For writing, we had to write about how Tinsel got into the pencil jar using sentence variety.  In Word Work we had to make snowmen, using words that were synonyms.
  • At the end of the day in art, we finished our timeline pictures and sketching dinosaurs in our paleontology journals.  If we finished both of these, we could either make a Christmas card or work on our next timeline picture of Alberta in the Jurassic period.

1. What carols will we sing tomorrow?
2. After the dinosaurs, will we do any other prehistoric life pictures for our timeline?

Friday, December 9, 2016

December 9, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: instrument conclusion due! They are now late!
Treat day and caroling next week on Tuesday.  It is our turn to provide the treats for Treat Day.

What did we do today?
  • In math, we had time to master our multiplication facts through our Ninja program.
  • Because of the weather, we played a dodgeball game against Room 5.  We started with a game of continuous before playing a game of revenge dodgeball.
  • We did some science experiments that needed cold weather.  The first one had us taking balloons outside.  They got smaller outside in the cold and grew larger again when we brought them inside.  The second experiment had Ms. Cowdy throwing boiling water into the air.  When she did that, it turned into snow.
  • We had some catch up time to work on our Daily 5 activities, math or social.

1. What would happen if we put balloons into boiling water before taking them outside?
2. What will happen if we used cold water instead of the boiling hot water?
3. What happens to the air molecules in a balloon over time?

Thursday, December 8, 2016

December 8, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: instrument conclusion due tomorrow
Festive evening tonight- starts at 6:00pm
Fill A Sock campaign- we need toiletries (hand cream, tissues and shaving cream) to fill up

What did we do today?
  • Today in math, Ms. Jones worked with both groups 1 & 2 to work on their division skills. Group 3 finished their heptathlon math and are now building a to scale model and are researching one of the events.
  • In gym, we continued our hockey games.  We played two 10 minute games, playing new teams each time.
  • After recess, two more people did their science presentations.  Then we listened to our read aloud, where Greg slammed the door in Marty's face, and the boys are now looking for the parent's flying saucer.
  • In music, we had Mrs. Polski as a sub.  We had a listening class where we had to listen to the music of Tchaikovsky.
  • After lunch, we got to work on our conclusions in science.  In our conclusions, we had to use the vocabulary words we used in our presentations.  If we finished early, we could go on Mathletics.
  • Today was the last Daily 5 class to finish all of our Daily 5 assignments.  Ms. Jones has promised us some catch up time tomorrow.
  • In science, we wrote a quiz for our Hearing and Sound unit.

1. When will we have our next quiz, and what unit will it be on?
2. Will they find the U.F.O. and will there be any cows inside?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: math mystery case #12 due tomorrow; science title page due tomorrow
Science quiz tomorrow- study guide sent home to prepare students
Festive evening tomorrow night
Fill A Sock campaign- we need toiletries (non-alcoholic mouthwash, deodorant, hand cream, shampoo, conditioners) and socks to fill up

What did we do today?
  • In math, group two worked with Ms. Jones to learn long division.  Group one worked on division questions using equal groups while group three worked on a heptathlon assignment.
  • After math, in science more students did their presentations about their instruments.
  • For gym, we started hockey games.  We had to pass to three people on our team before we took a shot at the net.  Two games happened at the same time.
  • Ms. Jones read the book The Rabbit's Snow Dance.  Then we wrote about a time where we have dealt with Brain Eater and what we did to solve it.
  • In language arts, we got some time to work on our Work on Writing activities, such as combining sentences, flipping sentences and starting sentences with more interesting words so we don't sound like a broken record.
  • In music, we used different notes to play the song Jingle Bells on the xylophones.  Some of us got bells to use.  Then we put those away and we did a folk dance.
  • During Daily 5, Ms. Jones's blue guided reading group presented a play called Kahukura and the Net.

1. No questions today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: math mystery case #12 due Thursday; science title page due Thursday
Science presentations tomorrow
Science quiz Thursday- study guide sent home to prepare students
Festive evening Thursday
Fill A Sock campaign- we need toiletries (non-alcoholic mouthwash, deodorant, hand cream, shampoo, conditioners) and socks to fill up

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day in math, we worked in our division math groups.  Before gym, group one worked with Ms. Jones on equal groups.  After gym, group two worked with Ms. Jones on long division strategies.
  • For gym, we practiced shooting at the net.  You have to flick your wrist. We also played a game called hockey hoopla where we stole floor hockey balls from the other team's hoops.
  • After recess, some of us finished working on our instruments.  After we started doing presentations on how our instruments work and change pitch.
  • During Daily 5, some of us had guided reading while the rest of us worked on a daily 5 activity.  We need to have all six activities done by the end of the week.
  • It's Tuesday, so we had library exchange.
  • In social studies, we continued to finish our point of view activity which looks at whether we should protect Alberta's fossils.  A few of us finished.

1. What point of view will most people agree with and why?

Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework: math mystery case #12 due Thursday; science title page due Thursday
Science presentations start tomorrow
Library tomorrow
Science quiz Thursday
Festive evening Thursday

What did we do today?
  • At the start of the day in math, we did Multiplication Ninja Monday activities.  One laptop was put at each table group and we were given a number.  While one group member did a test, the other group members practiced their facts.
  • For gym, we practiced our face offs against different partners in floor hockey.  We also practiced passing to a partner and trapping the ball with our sticks.
  • After recess, we had our last day to finish building in the classroom.  Tomorrow we will start presenting our instruments and how they change pitch.  This will help us with writing our conclusion statements.
  • In health, we watched a video about Dug the dog from the movie UP.  Dug got distracted and showed an example of what happens when the Unthinkable BrainEater is present.
  • During Daily 5, some of us had guided reading while the rest of us worked on a daily 5 activity.  We need to have all six activities done by the end of the week.
  • At the end of the day in art, continued our timeline pictures.  If we finished, we were able to sketch dinosaurs found in Alberta in our paleontologist journals.

1. What will we learn about the Brain Eater and what activity will we do?
2. What drills will we do for ringette and when will we start playing hockey games?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1, 2016

Read 30 min
Homework:Science title page due next week on Wednesday
No school tomorrow
Festive Evening letter- bring back by Monday
WE group Drop In Center Fill a Sock. We are looking for the following donations to fill socks and toques for our homeless citizens.  Foe information please go to the following link:

What did we do today?
  • In math, we got a leveled sheet of division problems to solve.  Another group worked with Ms. Jones to learn a division strategy.
  • For gym, we did more dribble drills and games, such as follow the leader.  The leader is trying to dribble away from the group.  If the follower/s were a stick length away from the leader, they scored a point.  Another thing we did was practice face offs.
  • Instead of our second math block, we had a health class with Mr. O.  If we were too slow or indecisive, we had to do five push ups.
  • During our read aloud, Marty and Remi talked to Father Sasseville.  He asked him questions about the flying star and what it could be.  Then Marty thought he was going to get in trouble so they left.  The next day, Marty searched for someone they could talk to about the alien invasion.  The first person to answer their door was Greg.
  • Today in music we learned a new song, jingle bells on the xylophone.  It was very complicated as you had to figure out the beats for each note.
  • After lunch, we went into the computer lab and Ms. Jones showed us Google Docs.  We had to copy a document onto there and send it to Ms. Jones.
  • In social studies, we had to write our opinion on whether we think fossils should be protected.

We did not have time today.