Read 30 min
Homework: math mystery case #12 due tomorrow; science title page due tomorrow
Science quiz tomorrow- study guide sent home to prepare students
Festive evening tomorrow night
Fill A Sock campaign- we need toiletries (non-alcoholic mouthwash, deodorant, hand cream, shampoo, conditioners) and socks to fill up
What did we do today?
- In math, group two worked with Ms. Jones to learn long division. Group one worked on division questions using equal groups while group three worked on a heptathlon assignment.
- After math, in science more students did their presentations about their instruments.
- For gym, we started hockey games. We had to pass to three people on our team before we took a shot at the net. Two games happened at the same time.
- Ms. Jones read the book The Rabbit's Snow Dance. Then we wrote about a time where we have dealt with Brain Eater and what we did to solve it.
- In language arts, we got some time to work on our Work on Writing activities, such as combining sentences, flipping sentences and starting sentences with more interesting words so we don't sound like a broken record.
- In music, we used different notes to play the song Jingle Bells on the xylophones. Some of us got bells to use. Then we put those away and we did a folk dance.
- During Daily 5, Ms. Jones's blue guided reading group presented a play called Kahukura and the Net.
1. No questions today.